Hey everyone! I've posted a new project up and I'm looking for a few artists to help out. Contact me if you're interested, the project is called "Aiko & Egor" and it's being produced by a NPO, See Beneath, Inc.
Hey everyone! I've posted a new project up and I'm looking for a few artists to help out. Contact me if you're interested, the project is called "Aiko & Egor" and it's being produced by a NPO, See Beneath, Inc.
I am a very big computer geek, I have a custom build PC that can do most everything I could ever need. It has all CS6 and some plug-ins on it. So down to the question, What do you use Mac or PC, and Why?
Many distributors and networks want finished video in Pro-Res 4:2:2 or Pro-Res HQ. In which case only a Mac can encode it properly.
I use Both mac and PC. I use Mac for 80 percent of my editor jobs and PC for Digital Fusion compositing and Vegas Pro if needed. To be marketable, You need to have good working knowledge on both platforms. Having some Linux knowledge is just gravy.
there are a few ways to encode QT PRORES on PCs. For example: http://www.miraizon.com/products/codecsoverview.html http://www.fallenempiredigital.com/blog/2012/06/06/encoding-apple-prores... http://ww...
Expand commentthere are a few ways to encode QT PRORES on PCs. For example: http://www.miraizon.com/products/codecsoverview.html http://www.fallenempiredigital.com/blog/2012/06/06/encoding-apple-prores... http://www.cinemartin.com/cinec/
There is also a ProRes converter app that only runs on PC called cliptoolz converter. The web site is www.cliptoolz.com
Thanks for the invitation, Omar. Great to meet you at Stage 32! :)
Who here has created their own Kickstarter campaign? Was it successful? What did you learn from it? What came from that campaign (i.e. production, networking, contacts, experience, etc.) that was most valuable to you? What advice do you have for others looking to start their first Kickstarter project?
You are so right on this. We keep re-evaluating our rewards program before our launch for that very reason. Good stuff!!!
If you're just starting out with the Crowdfunding process Stephanie, go with Indiegogo: Whatever you raise, you get (minus 9%). With Kickstarter, if you don't raise your full amount, you get nothing....
Expand commentIf you're just starting out with the Crowdfunding process Stephanie, go with Indiegogo: Whatever you raise, you get (minus 9%). With Kickstarter, if you don't raise your full amount, you get nothing. Also, It's a process that takes a while to get all of the updates ready for. And you need to have not only a full team in place, but preferably at least 10-20 % of your goal already in place as well. You will need to 'front end load' your campaign and back end it as well.
Stephanie's question was 2 years ago. I wonder if she created a Kickstarter campaign. I wonder if she made a movie.
Me too.
I did and mine is funded but we have 5 days left! http://bit.ly/BnBRPG
How many of you out there across the interwebs are looking to be a part of creative, original and fun projects? Well, I am too. I'm here to network with hard-working, motivated individuals looking to act, produce, write, edit... and everything in between and beyond. I'm currently in the beginning ph...
Expand postHow many of you out there across the interwebs are looking to be a part of creative, original and fun projects? Well, I am too. I'm here to network with hard-working, motivated individuals looking to act, produce, write, edit... and everything in between and beyond. I'm currently in the beginning phase of writing 6 short scripts that I'd like to turn into a short online series. Beyond that, I want to continue building my resume with short films, commercials, and other online media. I hope to network and collaborate with many of you. Check out my profile, and send me a request. Cheers!