Hernán Crespo's Lounge Discussions

Thomas Thorpe
Script Length

I received the following comments from a CI coverage reader. Do you agree?

"The general length of a feature is somewhere between 95 – 110. Cracking the spine of a spec script that’s only 87 pages long sends off warning bells in a reader, because it usually means there isn’t enough character/world se...

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Thomas Thorpe

Thanks, Dan. What are you up to these days?

Thomas Thorpe

If you don't mind my asking, how do you pay for all that?

Thomas Thorpe

Thanks Francisco. As Beth points out, script notes are far more helpful. Dan also reminded us that what was once a practice for screeners to give their bosses a quick summary, has become a cottage ind...

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Thomas Thorpe

Thank you, Dan Guardino. I've adapted four, each one in the series takes place in a different part of the world between 1820-1850 with the same protagonists, a husband and wife, aristocrats with crime...

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Margie Walker

I totally missed it -- coverage from Stage 32 - if it was sent on a screenplay I submitted August 16, 2017. I'm starting to wonder if I made a mistake submitting.

Roberto Dragonne

If a character falls sleep on a scene and he will start dreaming (of course the dream is really important for the story), do I have to create a new Scene Heading or just specify that he is dreaming? Thanks.

Roberto Dragonne

Great, Dan. Thank you.

Hernán Crespo

Like Dan said. Because it may have a special kind of transition between scenes, you may want to add a CUT TO or something of the sorts.

Roberto Dragonne

That's very helpful Hernán, muchas gracias.

William Martell

Scene heading for every new location.

Lisa Bruhn
Producer / Writer

My first feature is now complete and out of VOD platforms. Our distributor Indie Rights sold the film to China as well at AFM 2017. Watch it for free on Amazon Prime and let me know what you think of the film. Give it a review on Amazon or Google Play. Would love to have fellow filmmakers provide ho...

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Carving A Life
Carving A Life
The story follows Mitch, a 25-year-old wood carving artist, who falls for Lauren, an elementary school teacher. The lover's bliss takes a quick downward turn when pregnant Lauren discovers secrets fro…
Hernán Crespo


Susan Lockwood

Kudos and congrats, Lisa! From the trailer, it looks as though you and your cast and crew have done some beautiful work here. I'll look for it on Amazon.

Ian James Duncan

Good work getting the film made and sold. That's a real achievement.

Gilberto Villahermosa

Huge Congrats, Lisa!

James Drago

Can you tell us how you got to Indie Rights and what your experience has been like?

Christopher Ruiz
Hello everyone!

Hi guys, I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm a half Chilean half British comedian living an doing comedy (or at least trying) here in Chile. I have a politically incorrect and irreverent sense of humor as well as an eccentric sense of style.

Hernán Crespo


James Drago

Hi Chris!

Edward A. Stodolski
What is the Best Approach for this Situation Regarding Screenwriting

I have a situation Hopefully other screenwriters, directors, producers, can give me their feedback. Now here's the situation what happens if you write a Story (Not yet a Screenplay or Movie Script) Just a Story and this story is written for a certain Actor/Actress now after you finish writing this s...

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Philipp Mayr

“...Who will or won't play the character shouldn't affect your work...”

But aren’t you sometimes writing roles or characters specifically tailor-made for a particular actor?

Roberto Dragonne

I always have an actress/actor on my mind when I create a character. You can mention the name, maybe on the pitch or after but you must be aware that on the 98% of the times the producer and/or the director will have the final word.

Shawn Speake

My man. Got a question about the backstory. Where did you learn how to tell stories?

Hernán Crespo

Of course Philipp, but that's something you do to fuel your own creativity. That actor's intention of playing the role or even his/her knowledge of the character's existence, shouldn't interfere with...

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Edward A. Stodolski

Thank You, everyone, for your comments I appreciate it. Even though its a story about an Angel I Had........ (well it's not that important) and Yes, it shouldn't matter what this actor thinks even if...

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Lisa Bogner
Inciting incident and first plot point

I have recently started writing my second feature screenplay and am facing a small but kinda crucial problem: The plot in a nutshell is that my protagonist starts to work at a law firm (first scene) and then begins an affair with her boss. The first time they kiss is on page 12. Now, my question is:...

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Ian Job

I would suggest, only tease and hint the affair. Make it heat up gradually in suspense... and make it to be observed from the point of view of another character and not the audience directly...


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Darren Rapier

LindaAnne et al, good suggestions but remember the inciting incident MUST not be the norm, it is something that kicks the protagonist into action, so it’s important to establish what the ‘notm’ Is bef...

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Darren Rapier

But remember that first act reversal is a decision - a choice between two paths - the transition is an active (and usually wrong) choice made by the protagonist rather than simply happening to them (w...

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Lisa Bogner

I've been thinking a lot about the plot, taking all your advice and comments into account and was thinking: what if the affair leads into a relationship?

Also, would it be possible to start with a "fla...

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Darjan Petrović

You should read a few notorious and worshiped screenwriting books to start getting a sense on how successful stories of any media are effectively told in a dramatic fashion.

You started story pantsing...

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Victor Titimas
Writing while listening to music?

I sometimes do that... Does it influence the writing in any way(without you realizing it, uncounsciously)? If you wrote something while listening to a song, would you have written it differently if there was a different song playing, or all writing is the same, regardless of music?

Jacob Buterbaugh

My writing playlist consists of Slayer, Morbid Angel, Butcher Babies, In This Moment, and Sister Sin. It's great for writing horror. It probably wouldn't be so great if I were writing romantic comedy.

Jack Bybee

I have done a modicum of research into energy and vibrations; also I have heard repeatedly of the 'Mozart Effect'. I love the violin concertos etc. and the inspiration or, if not inspiration, then the...

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Robert Campopiano

I listen to my iTunes library at a low volume and find that it keeps me from getting distracted. My mind tends to wander and with the music on, I find that I can concentrate on my writing and not think about the dishes that need washing, etc.

Kellie Burke

Goth, 80s new wave and heavy metal, and classic rock gets me in the mood.

Joleene DesRosiers

I only listen to music when I have a song in my head that I think would play out during the scene. When I play said song, I get super pumped and feel like I crank out an awesome scene. Then I go back...

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After this self-aware title, I can hardly wait to read what I'm going to write

I'd like to write something funny, but you'd only laugh, so I'll limit myself to a brief introduction followed by an unceremonious attempt of promoting my stuff. I'm a writer, producer and director from Argentina with a soft spot for creative souls and a passion for telling stories. After a few year...

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Madeline Thompson

Great good luck to you Hernan - excellent score, far-ranging visuals and imaginative collating of both!!

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