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By Robert Kelly McAllister

GENRE: Horror
LOGLINE: When strange murders occur around a high school theater production, an awkward teenage drama geek must solve the mystery of who or what is behind the killings, or he might be the next victim.


Ghostlight is a feature length comedic horror film set in the world of high school theatre. Think Cabin in the Woods in the world of Glee. Milton, the film’s young hero, is your typical drama geek- able to quote Shakespeare and Monty Python, but completely inept when it comes to any sort of social interaction with anyone outside of his close knit group of fellow geeks. He attracts bullies to him the way a bright light draws moths. He can’t stand up for himself. He can’t talk to girls. His only outlet in the world, the only way he can express himself, is through the school play. And even though he is a freshman, Milton has been cast as one of the lead roles in the school production of Our Town. This would be fantastic, except for the fact that the cast is being killed off, one by one. Every time somebody breaks one of the many rules, or superstitions, in the theatre, said person comes to a grisly end- such as being skinned alive, having their eyes poked out, etc. As the body count increases, Milton and his fellow dorks race against time to find out who, or what, is killing all the actors. In the process, Milton learns to come out of his nerdy shell. In the final confrontation, Milton discovers that one of his fellow cast members, a beautiful young girl, is the devil in disguise. Overcoming his fears and shortcomings, Milton triumphs, and the devil moves on to her next conquest. As for me, I am a writer/director, and have had my plays have been produced all over the world, including New York City (FringeNYC, CenterStage, etc.), Prague (Divadlo na Zabradli), and Sao Paolo. I've been published by Applause Books, Playscripts, Smith & Kraus, and NYTE. My first film, Strong Tea, is in post production and will be making the festival circuit starting at the end of the year. One of my mentors was the late Tom Mankiewicz (Superman, LadyHawke), who helped me with the first draft of this script.

Liz Correal

Hi Robert, don't know why... apart from the fact this is a really fascinating premise, I felt inclined to rewrite your synopsis. Hope you'll forgive me. Wish you well with all the good work you're accomplishing. Milton is a drama geek. He quotes Shakespeare and Monty Python without a problem, but when it comes to any sort of social interaction, he's totally inept. He attracts bullies the way a bright light draws moths. And girls? Forget it. The only outlet for his emotions is through the school play. As a freshman, Milton is cast in the lead role of the school production, Our Town. But there's a problem. The cast is being killed off. One by one. Every time someone breaks a rule, or goes against the theater's superstition, they come to a grisly end. They're skinned alive or have their eyes poked out. It's a race against time as the body count increases. Milton and his fellow dorks have to find out who is killing the cast. And fast. To succeed, Milton must to leave the comfort of his nerdy shell. But can he... when he discovers one of his fellow cast members, a beautiful young girl he's attracted to, is the devil in disguise. Overcoming his fears and shortcomings, Milton triumphs, and the devil is obliged to move on to her next conquest.

York Davis

Interesting premise.

Keith Betts

I really like this story premise and I was happy to see that is has been requested. I am presently working at a performing arts H.S. in the theatre department and just from the logline I can already imagine how exciting this story can be. Best of luck to you.

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