Founder of Garconer Productions garconerproductions@
Creator of The Ghost Wars series.
Unique traits: transgender man
Jester In A Box: Ghost Wars Mystery ⋄ Other ⋄ Sci-fi What if the rapture came and nobody noticed?
Oberon's Chalice - Complete teleplay Drama ⋄ Romance ⋄ Sci-fi ⋄ War To walk in another man's shoes is the greatest of all honours
Planets In Water opening Crime ⋄ Drama ⋄ Independent ⋄ Sci-fi ⋄ Thriller The lies we tell ourselves build a bubble around our world.
Revised Dream World Opening Action ⋄ Crime ⋄ Sci-fi The shadow hides in plain sight.
Zombies From The Deep full teleplay Animation ⋄ Crime ⋄ Film-noir ⋄ Romance ⋄ Sci-fi Art reveals the truth of life.
Love In Triplicate- The Couple In Flat 22b Drama ⋄ Film-noir ⋄ Romance ⋄ Sci-fi Our lives are intertwined with all others.
More excerpts of Calan Gaeaf Experimental ⋄ Sci-fi ⋄ Thriller ⋄ War Our world is wrapped in a red tie with all others.
Seven of Cups Excerpt Sci-fi All good men are born of suffering.
Nos Galan Gaeaf Experimental God's hand is in the details.
The Couple In Flat 22b Animation ⋄ Crime ⋄ Drama ⋄ Experimental ⋄ Fantasy ⋄ Film-noir ⋄ Independent ⋄ Romance ⋄ Sci-fi ⋄ Thriller ⋄ War The stories we tell ourselves, become our realities.
Opening of Nos Galan Gaeaf Action ⋄ Drama ⋄ Sci-fi One man's eternity is another's nonexistence.
Seven of Cups: Further excerpts Sci-fi At the end of a long tunnel, mankind finds himself.
Calan Gaeaf excerpt Historical ⋄ Sci-fi History is a thread connecting events together.
Oberon's Chalice teaser Action ⋄ Adventure ⋄ Drama ⋄ Historical ⋄ Romance ⋄ Sci-fi ⋄ War Roles become reversed, remembrances past re-assert themselves in our heroes' lives.
Dream World Opening Animation ⋄ Fantasy ⋄ Sci-fi The Painter's brush brings new life
Party of Four- Sibling Rivalry Act 1 Revised synopsis Action ⋄ Adventure ⋄ Animation ⋄ Comedy ⋄ Drama ⋄ Sci-fi ⋄ Thriller ⋄ War Like the layers of an onion, our world is more complicated then we ever knew.
Intro to The Ghost Wars opening Animation ⋄ Drama ⋄ Experimental ⋄ Fantasy ⋄ Film-noir ⋄ Horror ⋄ Independent ⋄ Romance ⋄ Sci-fi ⋄ Thriller New life springs from the flames of the old.
Jester In A Box Sci-fi What if you could see how your life had gone, in a different world? Here’s three ways it could have gone for one man.
The Ghost Wars pilot presentation complete teleplay Animation ⋄ Drama ⋄ Experimental ⋄ Fantasy ⋄ Horror ⋄ Independent ⋄ Romance ⋄ Sci-fi ⋄ War A painting prodigy creates life in three realms; material, spiritual and mental. Science, fantasy and high drama are on display..
Into The Labyrinth ep. 6 Drama ⋄ Sci-fi The tides of time fall with Icarus' wings.
The Couple In Flat 22b pilot excerpt Drama ⋄ Experimental ⋄ Fantasy ⋄ Film-noir ⋄ Romance ⋄ Sci-fi The stories we tell ourselves become our realities.
scenes from Calan Gaeaf Animation ⋄ Family ⋄ Romance ⋄ Sci-fi A man's words are his greatest tools in matters of the heart.
Excerpt From Zombies Of The Deep Crime ⋄ Romance ⋄ Sci-fi A stolen painting tells a story of another world.
Excerpt from Nos Galan Gaeaf Drama ⋄ Film-noir ⋄ Sci-fi ⋄ War Change comes about through the narrow lens of a camera.
Party Of Four- dramedy- revised synopsis Action ⋄ Adventure ⋄ Comedy ⋄ Drama ⋄ Experimental ⋄ Fantasy ⋄ Horror ⋄ Independent ⋄ Romance ⋄ Sci-fi ⋄ Thriller ⋄ War Betrayal, infiltration and history looping back on itself; it’s a game of cat and mouse.
Zombies From The Deep opening Crime ⋄ Romance ⋄ Sci-fi ⋄ War The Future is wide open to those with eyes that see.
The truth - Calan Gaeaf Sci-fi ⋄ War The truth is revealed like tumbleweeds twisting in time
Nos Galan Gaeaf- complete teleplay Animation ⋄ Crime ⋄ Drama ⋄ Fantasy ⋄ Horror ⋄ Sci-fi ⋄ Thriller ⋄ War Immortality has many guises.
Jester In A Box ep. 3 Jacob's Ladder Historical ⋄ Horror ⋄ Music ⋄ Romance ⋄ Sci-fi ⋄ War The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Jester In A Box Pilot script Drama ⋄ Sci-fi What if you could see how your live would go in another world?
Ultraviolet Act One Comedy ⋄ Sci-fi The serpent weaves a web of illusion for those unfortunate to heed his lies.