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By Luciano Mello

GENRE: Comedy

" A lonely and disillusioned biology teacher finds an unexpected connection with a mysterious cosmic being who seeks to unravel the secrets of life on Earth. Together, they embark on a journey of learning and self-discovery through the vibrant and chaotic streets of Rio de Janeiro."


In deep space, the Voyager probe encounters a nebula that gains consciousness and becomes curious to find out more about life on Earth. She wants to understand her own conscience.

On Earth, Carlos, a lonely biology teacher, after yet another failed date, meets the cosmic being who calls himself Ana and seeks answers to her questions. Carlos is enchanted by Ana and says that his sister, Bia, is a professor and researcher and can help her in her search for answers.

Both go to Bia's house, where in a virtual meeting with a group of researchers, they talk with Ana about space, physics, god, and consciousness. Carlos, who can't hide his interest in Ana, is disappointed when she says she's leaving soon. After the meeting, Carlos and Ana walk through the streets of Rio de Janeiro, admiring the beauty and chaos of the wonderful city and life. When it's time to say goodbye, Carlos wants to go with her and exaggerates the drama, but nothing can change the fact that Ana can't stay on earth, they have a unique moment of love before Ana returns to space.

Years later, Carlos, already elderly, observes the stars and when his grandson calls him, he falls and dies, and at the end, the stars shine in the sky.


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Nate Rymer

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Seth Nelson

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Tasha Lewis

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Alex Troxler

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Alex Troxler

really like this premise and logline. I have a suggestion for you if it is not insulting but consider changing the last bit like so: "... but as they get to know each other he is not sure if he is madly in love or just going mad."

Luciano Mello

Alex Troxler, thank you for your suggestion, as an ESL sometimes it is hard to find the right word, thank you so much.

Nathaniel Baker

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Luciano Mello

This Logline was updated today, check again and let me know what you guys think. Thank you!

Mark Bowes

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