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In the year 2755 A.D., the human race begins to suffer great cataclysms and earthquakes that occur very recurrently throughout the planet earth. It is believed that due to global warming, life as we know it, is already reaching its decline. Leaders around the world report that it is time to emigrate to another planetary system.
All nations join forces in the construction of spaceships that make human life possible for long periods in space until they reach the nearest star; Next Centauri, where several exoplanets were discovered with possibilities of harboring life. This odyssey is carried out in 2786, but only twelve ships are built, with fifteen hundred occupants in each of them, with the most recognized scientists, politicians, celebrities and millionaires on the planet, leaving the total population behind . The twelve ships arrive at Next Centauri System in the year 2986 ... two hundred years later. But with other descendants; A fourth generation born in space. These born of space, are those who inherit the new planet, CENTAURI, which turned out to be very generous with water and oxygen, offering diversity in food. New communities emerge in the western continent called Euroasia. Years later, they discovered that they suffered a deadly virus P-16, causing their population to tithe and mainly attacking children. So they lacked children.
But in the year 3000 the new world is affected by the presence of an intergalactic ship that reaches its orbit from the same solar system from which it escaped ... the earth. They concluded that the humans they left behind had the way to escape and also to reach the Next Centauri system.
Centurian humans request a meeting with visiting humans. These will send a scientific and religious courtship. The surprise was that the occupants of the ship are the same as those who left the earth and survived thanks to the development of the hibernation chamber.
After receiving and sharing with them, they determined that they brought the same bad habits as when they lived on earth, so they decided not to allow them to enter the planet Centauri, feeling that their "perfect" lifestyle was being threatened by the chaotic system archaic who lived centuries ago the earth.
Of course, the visitors did not accept the proposal to leave the planet and look for other horizons ... They forcibly entered the planet Centauri triggering a crisis that leads them to an inevitable confrontation between humans.
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Wilmer, I admire the fact you have a body of work, it's quite obvious English is not your first language and your writing suffers because of this - I can see you are passionate and dedicated to the craft, but may I make a few observations - I'm a great believer in "economy of words" and "less is more", throw in "show, not tell" - I suggest you have too much dialogue, you explain too much, you need to dilute the dialogue - also, the build-up isn't very strong, by that I mean the dramatic tension is too timid, not enough to engage the audience - this is only an opinion and you will probably disagree, but that is my advise to you - keep writing, I believe you have the talent, but not the execution at this point - good luck my friend, cheers.
Hello Chanel Ashley, thanks for your comments. I agree with your comments. And it is true that English did not dominate very well. I think I made a great effort to translate my script from Spanish to English. I will take your opinions into account to improve. Thank you and that you are well.
hermano, me gustó (y) 8/10
Gracias Kervin!
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LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Nathaniel
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