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Wil builds a spaceship in the garage, with the help of his father, after discovering a new and improved fuel formula. He manages to take off the ship and leave the planet causing alarm in all governments that want this technology at any price.
On a farm in Austin Texas, WIL SANCHEZ and his father, secretly assemble a spaceship with the idea of reaching the planet Mars. His father dies of cancer, so Will manages to finish the project. Without anyone knowing, he manages to take off the ship, causing all government alarms to be activated. NASA, after investigating the origin of the young man and the rocket, tries by all possible means to convince him to return to Earth, and thus investigate how he could achieve it and what type of fuel he used. But they are not the only ones. Other nations, such as the Soviets, Chinese and even Arab countries, are also interested in the youth with the idea of seizing their knowledge. Will realizes that they are all interested in the alternative energy source he used, which in fact is more efficient than the one that exists today, so he decides to ignore them and follow his path. Will then discovers that he is being the victim of a conspiracy against him, so he is forced to make a tragic decision.
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Hi, FYI Texas is located in the Southern part of America. I would reword this.
"IN A ZOOM IN it is centered in the American continent,
specifically in the North AND TRAVELING DOWNWARD THE CENTRAL PART OF THE CONTINENT , until arriving at a small town in Texas and it is suspended on a farm".
Just a thought. : )
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Todd, this synopsis has a lot of run on sentences and is not really clear. How did you get at the 4 star rating??
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Thank you Christine for your contribution ... I appreciate it very much
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It's a cute idea! I just think the synposis needs fixing.
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LOVE IT!!!!!!
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That sounds very cool! I really hope that I will see this movie in the cinema!
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Thanks Valeriy!
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