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By Jeevan Lal

GENRE: Sci-fi

ETERNAL LOVE. Sci-Fiction Love story.

Log line: A young lover was brought back to life with futuristic technology on A.D2030 and he falls in love with same woman! 

Short synopsis.

Billionaire's only son Ajay dies in a freak accident but his girlfriend Maya survives. Twenty-five years later Ajay was brought back to life with futuristic technology in A.D.2030. Fate brings them together. His ex-girlfriend Maya is happily married woman with a grown-up son. Will they became lovers again? What happened to their only love child Sandhya?  

Have you ever read wholesome entertainer? My fiction is full of life. It has family value, love, romances, sex, songs, fight scenes, plane crash landing, Robo surgeon and his assistant S-2-P and her antics. Reading my fictions is like watching a movie. Today it is my vision; in the near future my fiction will become a reality. Trust ME!


Full synopsis

Billionaire's only son Ajay was asked to get married after he completed his MBA to look after their family business. Dax air ways is one of the India's largest privet air ways .one days he attended one of his ex- colleague's marriage function at Chennai. There he fell in love with a beautiful girl from middle class family. After a short courtship and one night stand at the beach resort they decide to get married. On way back to city their car met with accident. Ajay had serious head injuries and dies at the hospital but his girl friend Maya survives …..

Ajay's father sends his body to U.S for preserving it for an indefinite period of time. Hoping that some other day his only son will come back to life...

When Maya's parents came to know about her pregnancy they force her for abortion; so that they want their only daughter to gets married and settle down in her life. Maya wants their only love child at any cost. One day she left her house and board bus to temple town. There she found refuge in an orphanage. After seven months Maya delivered a baby girl .she named her Sandhya .Maya's parents visited her at the orphanage and asks her to return home. She had one precondition that she be allowed to visit her baby as and when she wants. With a heavy heart she handed over her baby girl to Sister Mary thinking that sister Mary will take care of her love child.

At home her parents ask her to continue her studies. After completing her studies as software engineer she was able to get job in MNC at Bangalore .Because of her hectic work schedule she was able to visit her daughter only on alternative months. Once when she went to visit her daughter she found that her daughter was missing from the orphanage... she had a mental break down. She had to undergo treatment for six months to recover. When she became normal her father got her married to a senior executive at Delhi through matrimonial. Maya had no other option but to get married and settled down in life. Life moves on….

A.D.2030...Twenty five years later Ajay was brought back to life with the help of science and technology. Ajay's aged parents brought him back to home from U.S.

He was still in love with Maya! As far as Ajay is concerned it was only six months ago he met with accident... he was frozen in times. He is still twenty four years young man... he want to search his lady love and start his life all over again. .

Ajay's aged parents ask him to forget about his long lost lady love and settled down with married life. He had one last request to his aged parents that he be allowed to walk down the memory lane for the one last time….

Ajay went to Chennai in search of Maya but returned back to air port with a broken heart. .Fates brings Ajay and Maya back together after their plane crash landed. . At the hospital only Ajay had found that it was his Maya and her son. Ajay met Maya's son Sooraj of his age. Ajay helped Maya to take her husband body to her home .after the funeral Ajay had packed up all his things and was about to say good bye... Maya told Ájay about their only love child Sandhya. . Maya's son Sooraj came to know about his half sister and he want to meet her. Ajay and Maya go in search of their only love child.

At last they found their love child with adopted parents. Ajay and Maya arrange marriage for sooraj and Sandhya .Ajay alone goes to his house and ask his aged parents to bless two newly married young couples. Ajay and Maya make use of the opportunity by falling at Ajay's parents and got blessing form them! After getting blessing form Ajay's parents they catch first flight to Switzerland to enjoy their Honey moon after twenty five years! They celebrate new life with marathon love making session....

In this synopsis I have not disclosed how Ajay was brought back to life scientifically. Also other sub plots and much more...


T.M. Jivan Lal

My blog

Your’s sincerely,

Author of eternal love and broken heart.

Jivan Lal

N.B: Given a chance to work for movie version of my fiction I can help you to modify as per the budget of producer ,set the story in your choice of country, run title, design sets, assist director and graphic artists to get my kind of visualization for free of cost .

Jarred Keane

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Jarred Keane

There may well be a good story in there, but the logline isn't clear enough to sell that. Not yet at least, but chip away at what the core of the story is about and who the lead characters are in conflict with - what do they want, or need? Don't be shy about the genre either, what tone is it?

Maurice Vaughan

I think your logline is a nice start, Jeevan Lal, but I think it needs some work. Jarred Keane gave you great feedback. I suggest also mentioning the stakes in the logline.

Tasha Lewis

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