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A nefarious group of thieves uncovers a powerful corporation's conspiracy to seize control of the city.
A crippled city, recovering from economic crises entrust a powerful corporation, Vintus Global, with municipal control over their day to day city operations. Vintus Global, the largest logistics company in the world has essentially bought the city of Detroit, with the blessing of the federal government. A trio of thieves uncover a dubious plot to implement unfair and illegal labor laws in place to essentially create the country's first corporate city, designed to employ and control it's residents however Vintus Global sees fit. The series takes place in the midst of a water crises that has turned the city upside down and pushed the cities mayor and city council to it's limits. The people want change and are scheduled to vote on a proposal that will entrust Vintus Global with control over city ran services such as the Water Department, School System, Police and City Council. The protagonist all have a common thread of personal encounters with Vintus Global and become conflicted as the series progresses to resist or conform to the bizarre, but innovative labor and residential rules that have been implemented by Vintus Global.
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Logline review only at this point: Nefarious denotes these thieves are really bad people. Did you mean perhaps Notorious or Infamous? I would maybe add "In derelict/blighted Detroit" to the beginning and then add "and exploit" after "seize control".
yes it was meant to be Nefarious, the thieves are bad people, but they all have personal vendettas toward Vintus Global, the corporation taking over. Some characters want to asist in the new regime, others feel a connection with their community and regardless of being a bad person, still can do good by protecting and exposing the corporation for what they really are.. I like to show multiple sides to my characters, good and evil, just like people in real life.
Good to know. Thanks Jermaine!