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After surviving a terrible World War 2 naked, a developer of an internal combustion engine struggles eye to eye with the challenge of his life dream being stolen away by a big car manufacturer.
Based on a true story.
After a stolen youth caused by the NAZIS and the effect of a terrible world war in Germany, the drowning young KARL finds help from the American Forces and friends. Hardly he works in a mine besides finding a new passion in studying to become an ingenieur during his free time.
In the late 1970s, back on his feet as a successful engineer and developer, he passionately develops an internal combustion engine which saves 90 % fuel for cars supported by his co-workers in the final years of the 1970s. And sells his patent to a big car manufacturer.
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Hi Evelyn, may I suggest an update? May I ask why he's naked?
"Amidst the carnage of war, an ordinary man struggles to survive in order to obtain his stolen dream."
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Thank you so much, James. NAKED works as eye-catcher. And describes definitely the way Germans survived this evil time of World War 2 - so my father did, naked and starving. The story is based on the true experiences of my father's life as a creative developer and machine engineer.
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It’s definitely eye-catching, what an extraordinary story. Would you like me to revise my logline notes?
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... Makes me think of the extreme heartache when winter hit the German soldiers on the eastern front (they weren't prepared for extremely cold weather like the Russian were; frozen German statues) and they were short on supplies. Especially after they lost Stalingrad.
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Rutger Oosterhoff it was not just Stalingrad. The ones that survived this terrible war in Winter/Spring 1945 in Germany, French, Poland, Holland were suffering. I grew up got all time told about this time. Some people were extremely strong, like my father and grandmother, original from Dutch.
James Welday The story begins with the survival days of my father when he was 15 years old and had to hide from the NAZIS for not getting deported to the russian war front. The mean story is about his machine development. You already helped with your logine idea.
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Would it be a split narrative between your father's years of survival at 15, and his development of the machine years later, like The Imitation Game?
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess English is your second language?
It's alright to write your work in your primary language. Great stories don't have to always be in English. (Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, the Diving Bell and the Butterfly, Pans Labyrinth were all American-produced)
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James Welday Exactly. By the way, The Imitation Game one of my favorites.
Rewrote the logline.
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Brad Mason Yes. Honestly I have been taught british english. But getting very warmly with the american english the past 3 years.
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Thank you, Nick. Set up a new logline.
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Is this based on a true story? Would help to mention that if it is. Not sure what you mean about being in the war naked. Not sure how that relates to fighting over engine patents. I thought this would be able Nicolaus August Otto, who invented the internal combustion engine, but he died 1891 before WWII.
If this is based on a true life story, it should be something like "Combustion" - The true life story of a WWII veteran's fight against auto giants from stealing his internal combustion engine design.
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Look at sentence structure and subject verb agreement.
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A huge thank to you all for helping!
Christopher Philips Yes it is. Mentioned it in the synopsys. The main story is about a new development of an internal combustion engine which saves 90 % fuel for cars developed in the 1970s by my father. Also mentioned in the synopsys.
Here we go with another rewritten logline.
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Keep us posted on how your script is going. If you need any feedback or further notes, please let me know!
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I love this storyline! Good luck!
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Thank you, Tom!
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Gladly confirmed my favorite actor PHILIPPE REINHARDT (STALINGRAD) as main actor with a written LOI.
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Thankful to have Allen Lynch & Randy Lynch III Worlds Music Entertainment confirmed for the film scores.
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what a story
Vivek Sighania. Indeed it is.
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WONDERFUL story EVELYN and I FOR SOME REASON, get disturbed by BIG CAR manufacturers that do this to PEOPLE who are actually HELPING THEM TOO!! These stories are VITAL at this point in our CURRENT LIFETIME, but much further down the road... not as MUCH (for a grander purpose).
THIS reminded me immediately of one of my favorite movies of a STOLEN PROTOTYPE - CALLED,
"FLASH OF GENIUS"... OCCURED in DETROIT (USA). HORRIBLE what they did to this MAN, who ended up not only losing his family, but also his mind almost!! BUT WHAT AN ENDING! THRILLED at the end.
I'd really like to meet this man (& his GROWN CHILDREN) one day and THANK HIM PERONSALLY OF HIS SACRIFICE OF DECADES in the court system (bad system). THAT is how deeply it effected me since I AM AN INVENTOR... and how grateful I am for HIS RELIENCE and ENDING this VULTURE COMPANY... I refused many times over the many years to buy any type of car of their MAKE.
Sherri ZImmerman Thank you, Sherri for you heartfelt post. Yes, have been very touch when I first saw FLASH OF GENIUS and felt so much what happened to this man. Love your post!