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It is now the 2001 and a lot of has changed since the days of the Anchorman of the 70's and 80's. And Walter Burgundy is now grown up but he is a big time trouble maker in San Diego and he's more a party boy then anything. That all changes with Veronica Cordingstone Burgundy kicks Walter out of the house and he ends up getting sucking into the ocean is in the ocean for 2 years in 1999 only to end up in Miami, Florida in October of 2001, Walter ends up becoming homeless and working as a janitor at Channel 13 news in Miami, but by remembering his father a lot, Walter ends up going from janitor to head anchor at channel 13 news and then later on a back up anchor on Fox news. Walter gets his own news team and a new girlfriend by his side and keeps on anchorman legend and legacy alive in the 2000's.
it's now 2001, Ron Burgundy has long retired from the days of being Anchorman in San Diego and also being an Anchorman in New York City. And Walter has grown up and graduated from the University of San Diego and graduates from San Diego Law and went to San Diego Community college. But Walter still in his late 20's still lives and mooches off his parents Ron and Veronica. And Walter much like his father, also causes his trouble and is really wild and silly and raunchy and even gets into trouble with the law at times too. Veronica ends up getting really mad and really angry at Walter and ends up kicking him out of the house and on to the streets, as Walter leaves San Diego and heads East, Walter encounters Doby again but Doby ends up sucking him into the ocean and Walter ends up in the ocean for 2 years from 1999 to 2001. Walter ends up coming out of the ocean with a beard and smelling really bad and ends up in Miami, Florida and Walter becomes homeless and lives in a homeless shelter and works as a janitor at channel 13 news in Miami. Walter ends up friending a couple of guys that later become his news team in Michael Goldenstone, DeAngello Ice man Phillips and Terrell Magic Rice and he also finds a love interest in Charlotte Roberts who is an assistance with the head anchor at channel 13 in Marty Willard. And Marty is just a huge jerk and a huge douche bag and he has a very intitled personality and he is not nice anybody, Walter ends up filming himself doing random stories and he ends up getting into a fight with Marty Willard and he ends up becoming the new head anchor at channel 13 news and becomes successful. He even becomes a back up anchorman at Fox news in Washington DC and he meets the Fox news crew there and works with them. Walter ends up feuding with the mainstream media from NBC, CBS, CNN, and ABC and finds an big time rival in Brandon Tamland(sadly the son of Brick Tamland from the 1st two movies) who works at NBC and hates Walter like crazy, and things go from bad to worst at Marty heals up from his injuries and becomes the new head anchorman at NBC. Walter with the help of his news team and Fox news crew has to be the best anchorman he can be in the 2000's and tries to do his very best to honor his dad's legacy and tries to be just as a good as his father and becomes a new type of Anchorman for a new generation.