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Following the death of his creator and alone in the world, the civilized Frankenstein’s creature is determined to find a mate and love despite being pursued for murder by obsessive London private investigators
The movie begins where Mary Shelley's 1818 novel ends. The lead character is not the grunting illiterate of the movies, but rather the agile and erudite creature of Shelley's novel.
The movie is about the quest for a mate and the nature of marriage. Frankenstein's eventual mate was horribly abused by her husband. She also has her own physical challenges which her husband exploits. The monstrous nature of her husband is graphically displayed. He is - without a doubt - the worst person in 1795 England.
The body count is nine, there are three references to the 1931 movie and one sex scene. The ending has two surprises. Some humor is sprinkled throughout.
The script is adapted from the novel The Daemon at the Casement or Frankenstein, Part II by M. Reese Kennedy. Kennedy and I were high school classmates.
The name "Frankenstein" has considerable built-in goodwill with the movie viewing public. The Frankenstein character is in the public domain.
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