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A young, naive, ex-felon builds her sea burial business with the help of her team of fellow misfits, but constantly runs into legal trouble and the oddest assortment of clients, as she gradually works through her own grief and guilt over the loss of her parents.
The main character is Maya, an accidental ex-felon who's friendliness, naivety and blinding optimism make her loveable and forgivable for audiences as they watch her try to do the right thing, and always mess it up.
She's fresh out of prison and staying with the only person who would take her in, her blind cousin Sofie, who's an artist in LA. Sofie's tired of Maya crashing at her place, and Maya's desperate to get a job, but no one wants to hire ex-felons. While reminiscing about how her own parents died, and the funeral wiped out their estate and left their bodies buried in Nebraska (not the option she would have chosen, if she hadn't been in prison at the time), so she decides out of subconscious guilt, and a desire to help the people of Los Angeles, to open up her own cheap sea burial service to serve the public and make some cash.
She gets the first call to her "business", Bye Bye Body, and soon discovers it's a lot more work than her limited amount of research has told her. She can't lift the bodies herself, Sofie can't help her, so she picks up Angel, a guy she thinks is a day laborer (when in reality he's a guy on the spectrum who just wanted some pupusas from a local food truck and has a hard time saying "no".)
They haul the body down to the marina, where Maya attempts to rent a boat from Raz, the friendly rental clerk. Raz wants to help her out, but Maya runs into difficulty with day and time restrictions on the rentals, and can’t afford the deposits. Going with her only remaining option, she hauls out a naked dead body out to sea on a jet ski, and all the marina visitors watch in horror (and call the cops).
Maya does her best to still perform a touching and heartfelt funeral, and send him off with kind words. When she gets back, she is quickly arrested, as they assume she has murdered the guy who's body she just dumped.
Sofie finds a public defender named Heaven Jones to help Maya out. Heaven explains that with Maya’s phone, they were able to track down Angel and the guy who hired her, and so she won’t be facing murder charges. However, there will be fines for code violations, which Maya will likely have to work off with community service. She’ll be out to do the good work of sea burials for the city of Los Angeles again next week! And with Sofie, Angel, Raz and Heaven, she’ll be that much closer to making “Bye Bye Body” the legitimate sea burial business she dreams of.