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By William Gunn

GENRE: Film-noir, Sci-fi

After a Doctor with a checkered past travels to Mars in 2187, he investigates his best friend’s murder, putting his freedom and life at stake.


RED PLANET BLUES seeks to create that feeling in the 22nd Century; the same feeling of crime and the possibility of sudden death. In that future will greed and corruption be left behind on Earth? Or will they follow us out into the Solar System? And can a man with obvious flaws overcome those flaws and come out ahead of the game? Will he survive his journey to Mars? His life is on the line if he fails.

In the Hellas Basin on Mars, in the year 2185, two Dune-Buggies are racing across the surface, one in pursuit of the other. In the Lead Buggy there’s a Man wearing a Bright-Yellow Space-Suit. The Following Buggy the Occupant wears a Bright Blue Space-Suit. He’s carrying what appears to be a Rifle. Once they stop, a brief discussion occurs via Radio for a few tense minutes. This ends with the Blue-Suited Man Shooting the Yellow-Suited Man.

Eighteen months later, in 2187 Dr. Jack Greyson, a Neurosurgeon from the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, arrives at a Space Station orbiting Mars. He’s come to the RED PLANET to take the Position of Chief-of-Staff of Mars General Hospital (MARSGEN). Jack is a Former TEEVER (Total Virtual Reality) Addict. This is ‘Frowned-upon’ in most of ‘Polite’ Society even at that time. He’s no longer addicted. He does ‘Compensate’ with lots of Bourbon! LOTS OF BOURBON!!!

Later on the Surface of Mars in the City of MarsPort, Jack meets Carlos Chiang, the Chief-of-Operations of MarsGen. The next day at a Staff Meeting, most of the staff warms up to Jack except for the Chief Surgeon who expected to become Chief-of-Staff. He and another Doctor harass Jack and accuse him of still being a TEEVER. The Chief Nurse comes to Jack’s defense.

The Man in the Yellow Space-Suit was Jack’s Best Friend, Dr. Sam Grant. Jack promised his mother that he’d get to the bottom of Sam’s Death. NO ONE in MarsPort can know this so Jack has to ‘Play it Cool.’ During this time Jack is asking around on a Low-Key Basis. He is making Some Headway!!!! He doesn’t want to draw attention!

Sometimes later after being settled in, Jack receives an invitation to a Party at the Condo of the Governor of Hellas Basin. There he meets Monika Beiterhoff, an Investigative Reporter. The two of them have an almost ‘Instant’ Chemistry. They both can feel it! While they talk a Man interrupts them. He is Harold Barrington-Smythe IV. Barrington-Smythe is the President of a Large Trade Union as well as a Major Crime-Lord. Monika and Harold have a rather ‘Complicated’ History going back to Childhood.

After a few Dates with Monika, Jack travels to a Private Farm hundreds of Kilometers from MarsPort at the behest of a Private Clinic Owner, Kate O’Malley. He performs a risky procedure on an injured boy there and has to bring him back to MarsGen for Further Treatment. Because of this Chiang and the Chief of Security of MarsGen, Liam M’Kemba threatens Jack’s Position and suspends him for two weeks.

The next day, out of anger Jack goes to Kate O’Malley to offer his services to her Clinic. She tells him that a Group of ‘Politically’ Inclined People want to meet him. They are FREE MARS! This is an Organization dedicated to Independence from Earth. They also tell Jack about a Large-Scale Theft of the Mineral THORIUM and how that was affecting the lives of Miners and their Families in the Hellas Basin. Monika had told Jack a bit about this before on one of their Dates. The Leaders also tell Jack that they had an ‘Inside Man’ in the Outfit that was behind the THORIUM Thefts. Sam Grant! Just as they were telling Jack, a wall explodes and Security Troops led by M’Kemba rushes in.

Jack wakes up to find he’s being accused of being a Traitor by both M’Kemba and Chiang. It turns out that they are behind the THORIUM Thefts and had been so for years. When Grant found out he tried to inform his friends but one of C&M’s Henchmen had caught up to him and KILLED Him! Jack begins to bluff his way out of the situation and he almost convinces the pair that he’d join them until M’Kemba asks about Jack’s promise to Grant’s mother. Jack admits this under INTERROGATION by M’Kemba.

Just as things are about to go EXTREMELY BAD for Jack Greyson, Monika Beiterhoff comes into the room followed by Barrington-Smythe. He is there because Monika begged him for his help to Save Jack. The Crime-Lord has been recording everything the two men had been doing for many months and if they didn’t release Jack all of the evidence would be made public. After a few tense minutes, C&M surrender and Jack is Released!

Tagline: “On Mars You Never Know Who You Can Trust.”

Elevator Pitch: THE MARTIAN meets CHINATOWN


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Maurice Vaughan

I like the concept, and I like that the doctor travels to Mars to investigate, William Gunn. I think the logline needs a little work though.

How about something like: "When a ______ (adjective) doctor travels to Mars to investigate his friend's murder, he _______ (goal of story) so ________ (stakes)."

I wouldn't capitalize "doctor" unless it's important to the story.

I would change "he is entangled in a conspiracy with crime-lords, farmers, and revolutionaries" to the main character's goal and the stakes of the story.

I think one-sentence loglines are better than two-sentence loglines because a one-sentence logline sounds better and it takes less time for a producer, director, etc. to read it, but if you want to include "he is entangled in a conspiracy with crime-lords, farmers, and revolutionaries" in your logline, you might have to make a two-sentence logline.

William Gunn

Thanks, You Guys!!!

Nate Rymer

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Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, William Gunn.

Nathaniel Baker

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Arthur Charpentier

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DeShawn Buckner

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Russell G. Williams

Honestly, I liked the Logline, simple, told me exactly what to expect. Where I struggled was the first paragraph of your synopsis, It asks more than one question. My perspective at first was it's not my story, why am I asked questions about it in the beginning? Didn't want to read past it.

Mark Deuce

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Paula Labaredas

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Jim Boston

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Blake Ravenhart

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Blake Ravenhart

I do like the premise, and I do find Sci-Fi amusing. It makes me curious about how the film would be.

Ryan Quinn

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Tasha Lewis

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