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By William Gunn

GENRE: Sci-fi, Action

A Mountain-Sized Asteroid, much bigger the one that killed the Dinosaurs millions of years ago is heading straight for Earth. There are only a few months to do something. Several plans are made. Only one may work. If successful, Humanity Survives. If it doesn't...Kiss your loved ones goodbye.


The first thing they try is firing hundreds of Lasers at the Space Rock in order to change its trajectory. That would work, given sufficient time! It would deflect the Rock by a few meters causing it to miss Earth by hundred if not thousands of miles.

This doesn't work due to Sabotage by religious Fanatics who destroy the Lasers. So Plan B calls for a Spacecraft carrying 3 Astronauts along with a 250 Kiloton Nuclear Bomb to blow up the Rock. They make it to the Asteroid in time, but there's a malfunction with the Bomb. It must be detonated manually! So one of the Three must stay behind to set off the device or the plan won't work.

There's tension and stress as they fight among themselves who will stay and make the Ultimate Sacrifice for Humanity. And they all have Families!

Back on Earth all sorts of Political Intrigue and Infighting takes place. There are worldwide riots as the populace prepares for the worst!

Marcos Fizzotti

Rated this logline

William Gunn

Thank you, Marcos!

Marcos Fizzotti

You're welcome, William.

Tasha Lewis

Rated this logline

William Gunn

Thanks, Tasha!

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