I have come across some weird things and this one is up there. I came in on a project as a consulting producer, ended up rewriting the script and now they offered me a bonus to sign off the project. The ‘star’ wants all the writing credit along with directing and producing.
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Money. if its good money.
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This got to be the only place I know that writers got their heads screwed on right. I already cashed the check.
Did you have a contract when you came in as consulting producer? If so, did it specify writing responsibilities?
For me it would depend on the project. Is it the kind of project that could launch a career, produced and directed by like-minded artists who really believe in the story and put their hearts and souls...
Expand commentFor me it would depend on the project. Is it the kind of project that could launch a career, produced and directed by like-minded artists who really believe in the story and put their hearts and souls into it? I'll take the credit please. Or is it the kind of project where the money is good but the story has been butchered beyond recognition and the producer, director and/or lead actor demand the credit and maybe treat you like something they scraped off their shoe? Cash the check, walk away and don't look back. It sounds like you made the right decision here, Mike.
If it's a script I didn't have much invested in, I'd take the money.