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Twoteenage brothers embark on a surfing road trip of a lifetime in their father’s RV, together with their grandmother. Who accidentally begins to mix up her medication and tragically overdoses. This is where the boy’s problems, adventure and craziness only begin.
A comedy about two teenage brothers who have just failed to finish high school but manage to con their grandmother to force their father to give them his RV in order to take grandma on her first ever vacation.
They begin their trip with having a great time with grandma mostly resting and relaxing and the boys surfing, smoking weed and enjoying having grandma taking care of them.
With the grandmother having slight dementia she begins to mix up her medication, as the boys meet two surfer girls who they seem to like.
Grandma helps them get a date with the two girls and while the boys are on their dates grandma accidentally takes too much of her pills and falls into a coma.
When the boys find their grandma they immediately think that she had died and that it was their fault for letting her smoke their weed.
They immediately begin to panic because they are in a forgin country and in possession of illegal narcotics.
So in their teenage stupidity they decided not to call the police but instead manage to get their RV stolen and ask their new girlfriends for help with finding it.
After locating the RV that has been towed way for a parking violation, they again have to resort to stealing the RV back from the narco gang who run the junkyard, with help from their new friend.
While running away they notice that grandma’s body is missing and panic even more, so they decide to ditch the girls and get their grandma back from the narco gang, but in a tragic turn of events they manage to hit grandma while she’s wondering on a back roads leading from the junkyard after waking up from her coma.
Now after angering the biggest narcotic gang in the area, being chased by the police and managing to kill their grandmother all over again, they decide to hightail it back home and call their father for help. Who will most likely kill them and ground them forever.
Before they can cross the international border they still need to figure out what to do with their grandmother’s body and in their deranged teenage genius they decide to stow her away in a surfboard bag on top of the RV.
Just before crossing the border a police cruiser comes behind them and the boys panic, coming to a dead stop right before the border crossing and at that moment the surfboard bag becomes dislodged and flies through the air, landing right at the feet of the border patrol officer.
Grandma wakes up in the hospital as the boy’s parents are giving them a lecture and she
tells everyone what a great trip it has been.
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