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We understand the boy, but fear the man he's become.
THE PENANCE LIST by SCCunningham, book to screen.
Stylish, steamy, psycho, revenge thriller. David Howard was born with an energy that attracts unwanted attention. With his childhood stolen, a target on his back, and time running out, he finally stands up to those who turned him into a killer. Can he redeem himself?
"It SIZZLES! An erotic, neurotic, sensual vision that's rather stunning" (Screenplay review)
"Writing doesn't get any better than this."
"Blown away to the point of speechless, shocking, vivid, bloody well written!"
"I read in one sitting"
"I raise a glass, I'd love to meet anyone who writes like this"
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This is more of a tagline to a story than a logline. By all means message me if you'd like to talk further about the creation of a viable logline.
Thank you.
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