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By Brent Beebe

GENRE: Thriller, Drama

An average joe finds himself stalked by an A-list movie star.



Being stalked is not only a reality but a potential fear for many people. How many among us haven’t had a relationship go off the rails into a firework factory? But in film, while still terrifying for a woman to be stalked by an ex, it’s a rather a worn trope by now.

But how about a man being stalked by a woman? Even better, a man stalked by a movie star? How’s he going to get himself out of that one? Who the hell would believe a regular guy over a famous actress?


Combines the classic “stalker thriller” with a modern twist of gender and power.


John, an ex-gambling addict, works as a limo driver; his wife, May, at home with a baby on the way. He’s hired to drive famous movie star Connie Haas. She develops a crush on him but he resists her advances. At the same time, a detective, Martin, has begun an investigation into the recent death of Connie’s boyfriend.

Connie worms her way into John’s life: she pays his gambling debts and even shows up to dinner at his home. She pushes John by using her status as a movie star to tear apart every aspect of his life. Soon, John finds himself not only suspected of stalking, but also May threatened by Connie with an assault charge. Unable to convince the police otherwise, he accepts the deal following news of May’s suicide.

But all is not lost as John, with the help of Detective Martin, attempts to provoke Connie into a confession. However, Connie sees through this and, discovering May to be alive, kills Detective Martin. Locked into a final battle, May and John attempt to escape a deranged Connie.

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