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By Brent Beebe

GENRE: Action, Fantasy

Three geeks set out to capture a vicious battle between aliens and superheroes only to find themselves tasked in the role of humanity’s saviors... or die trying.



I love first-person films. (Notice I didn’t say “found footage.”) Despite its standard tropes, it’s the closest thing we have to total viewer immersion for mass entertainment. It definitely helps with the thrills and chills.

But one huge problem lies in the lack of imagination. Sure, they work for horror, but what about all the build up? Most of the time, epic fail.

But take the format with a plot of aliens fighting superheroes and you’ve got something different. Plus drop in our “documentary crew” of three internet nerds directly into the action and you’ve got an immediate sense of urgency. Allowing action to drive the story rather than horror. Good way to trim the fat.


Capes is a first-person comic book action film that plops The Avengers into the world of Cloverfield.


Aliens have invaded Earth with every superhero (and some villains) having risen up to stop them. And three nerds have decided to film it all. Each strapped with video cameras, they make their way past blockades into the San Fernando Valley, safely away from ground zero. Or so they thought as, almost immediately, they find themselves in danger of death-by-alien. It takes the intervention of a superhero to save them.

The group decides to hang things up only to find themselves pinned down by the increasing alien hordes despite the attempts by numerous heroes with varying powers to get them on their way. They witness firsthand the devastation of war. Finally whisked away from the battle by yet another hero, they find themselves chosen by a magic-based hero to carry a device with the ability to destroy the alien craft. The number of heroes is dwindling due to many of them having been killed or captured. The nerds are, indeed, the world’s final hope.

The group’s led back into the thick of battle by a tag-team of heroes as well as one villain. Now equipped with their own weapons, gifted to them from superheroes, they make their way to ground zero. Unfortunately, despite their armed determination, they now face a massive increase of aliens without the chance for assistance. Two of them die on their way to the alien craft leaving the last of them to face the threat alone.

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