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By Brent Beebe

GENRE: Action, Fantasy

A priest battles alongside the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to halt a false prophecy to end the world.



Fate is a funny thing. How would you recognize it when it comes? Is it something you could prepare for? Something to combat or simply accept?

No matter how hard we prepare for something, most of it goes out the window when it’s actually standing before us. One plus one does not always make two. And what happens if we could change that outcome? Would we be the same person? And how do we deal with this?

That’s the story. A man prepares to meet a biblical apocalypse head on. He’s a good man with a practiced skill set. But being prepared doesn’t always mean he will be when facing an event that doesn’t go as planned especially when emotion gets thrown into the mix. Especially when discovering he’s prepared for the wrong event.


The intrigue and fantasy of Game of Thrones combined with a heroic journey inside a world of apocalyptic dread like the Book of Eli.


Fate is a funny thing. How would you recognize it when it comes? Is it something you could prepare for? Something to combat or simply accept?

No matter how hard we prepare for something, most of it goes out the window when it’s actually standing before us. One plus one does not always make two. And what happens if we could change that outcome? Would we be the same person? And how do we deal with this?

That’s the story. A man prepares to meet a biblical apocalypse head on. He’s a good man with a practiced skill set. But being prepared doesn’t always mean victory. Not only when emotion gets thrown into the mix, but when you discover you’ve prepared for the wrong event.

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