Member Since:
June 2019
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> 2 weeks ago
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About Eddie

Hi all & what can I really tell about myself other than being a huge fan of motion pictures, tv shows, art, comic books & writing screenplays. Shoulda, coulda, woulda has been dwelling through my mind & heart as recently I have resigned from being a corporate zombie for the last 12 years as I could no longer endure the stress & the days kinda always being the same. Now the next chapter in my life begins as acting I will now pursue however with screenwriting still being the main goal. Win or lose, dreams do come true as long as the passion stays within the heart. I welcome all, work hard, believe, smile & doors shall open.






    SPANISH SOUL Budget: $1M - $5M | Romance Comedy Fresh out of high school & now entering the real world, two friends with different cultures fall for one another in a gritty city where challenges arise throughout everyday life.


    TIC-TAC-TOE Budget: $1M - $5M | Thriller Horror After the death of a family member, a nine-year old girl befriends an evil Demon from Hell who’s only mission is to wreak havoc on earth.

  • KING of the DAMNED

    KING of the DAMNED Budget: $5M - $10M | Action Fantasy A King who rules over a violent city is brutally murdered, a common street thug accidentally is crowned King & his reign is quickly challenged by the city’s most savage contender.


    TRILOGY Budget: $5M - $10M | Action Drama In the world of professional boxing, two elite pugilist’s with bad blood for one another meet for a final showdown in an already tied series.

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