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A King who rules over a violent city is brutally murdered, a common street thug accidentally is crowned King & his reign is quickly challenged by the city’s most savage contender.
After witnessing the crowning of a new King, Illmatic & his childhood friend Onyx find themselves in a dangerous situation after the new King demands for both of their heads.
Suddenly, the new King’s reign is quickly ended & Illmatic finds himself as the new ruler of Damden City & commander of an army of Street Demons.
The Golden Chain(the equivalent to a crown) reveals itself to Illmatic as an evil entity, clouding Illmatic’s judgements while leading him to the point of no return.
Knowing The Chain’s ritual, Illmatic’s lover Genesis pleads for them to leave Damden before Illmatic falls victim to the Chains evil intentions.
Meanwhile, Thiago, the number one contender for the Chain & Lord of South Damden quickly issues a challenge throughout the streets for the throne.
With war on the horizon, Illmatic must choose between his beloved Genesis or the concrete wastelands he rules over.
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