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A Las Vegas bound Elvis tribute artist breaks down in a small podunk Nevada town full of celebrity tribute artist’s, only to find out there is no way to leave, the locals don’t understand why you’d want to.
Elvin, an Elvis celebrity tribute artist breaks down in a little podunk town on his way to Las Vegas. Learning that the part to his car will take two weeks to arrive. Elvin must find a way to Vegas. He meets other impersonators that have also broke down in town, but have fallen for the backwards place. After meeting Francis, a Frank Sinatra impersonator, Miguel, a Mexican Michael Jackson tribute artist, Goober, the local service station employee and Diamond Tooth Lil, the madam at the local brothel. Elvin's new friends try to convince him Goldfield is the place to be. Elvin finds out after a failed attempts that there is no way to leave this town. The little things we all take for granted, the people of Goldfield take very seriously, except for Elvin.
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