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After a young cowboy and young Indian’s paths cross at different ages in the old west, a confrontation of survival as adult’s, turns into a life saving meeting many years later.
A young boy living in the mid 1800’s befriends an Indian of the same age in the woods next to his cabin. The Indian teaches the boy how to throw a knife and shoot a bow and arrow to protect himself from the unknowns of the day. When danger confronts the two friends the young boy puts his new skills to work and kills an aggressive intruder. Learning later that the man he had killed had changed the course of history and murdered his parents earlier in the day. Before the young boy leaves, he and the Indian boy cement their friendship with a blood brother ceremony.
A cowboy setting up camp for the night encounters a raid by a single Indian. After being shot with an arrow by the Indian in the shoulder. The cowboy is now pinned to his wagon. But not before the cowboy wings the Indian who steps into an unescapable trap. Weaponless and immobile the two enemies are visited by a rattlesnake, coyote and skunk. A lost Calamity Jane wonders into camp helping herself to provisions. After entertaining her permanent audience with drinking, story telling and not so accurate target shooting, Jane leaves the strangers with the tools they need to escape. The cowboy escapes from his binding first. The Indian watching this feels the end is near, only to have the cowboy assist in his escape.
Trouble’s brew as a Wild West Show and a Medicine Show come to town in the early 1900’s. The two shows try and take control of their destiny. A handsome cowboy comes to town and is offered a job at the Wild West Show. After befriending an Indian chief, the main attraction of the show, the handsome cowboy meets a woman from the Medicine show. The woman and her adult daughter are captive in the hands of Mr. Krueger, the owner of the Medicine Show. The handsome cowboy works at freeing the two women from the Medicine show, only to have Mr. Krueger foil their plans. On the verge of getting the two women free, Mr. Krueger grabs the handsome cowboy threatening his life. A lifesaving arrow comes out of nowhere hitting Mr. Krueger making him immobile. The handsome cowboy thanks the Indian Chief for the shot and freeing the two women.
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