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When a batch of crack that turns users into zombies hits the streets, it's up to the dealers that sold it to retrieve it before the zombie apocalypse.
Alpha Quan, Englebert and Tyrone are a small time trio of crack dealers looking for any way to grow their business beyond a few loyal customers. While buying a cigar at the corner deli, Al steals a bottle of an unknown medication from an unsuspecting deli customer, who caught his attention bragging about their effects.
Hoping the “wonder” medication will enhance the potency of their product, Al & Enggy mix it in with kilo of cocaine Tyrone had just purchased in order to resume business. While Tyrone is away lining up business, Al and Enggy test the new drug on one of their regular customers, Crackhead Leroy. After a big thumbs up from Crackhead Leroy, they know they have a winning product and celebrate but the celebration doesn’t last as before they can spread the word Crackhead Leroy turns into a zombie and attacks them.
After killing and leaving to disposing of Crackhead Leroy's body, Al & Enggy return to find the drugs are gone. When Tyrone finally returns he explains that he lined up the sales and sold what they had to a handful of local dealers, some with violent reputations. They decide they have no choice but to retrieve all of the sold drugs at whatever cost.
In the course of retrieving the drugs they save a girl, help dispose of someone’s mother, survive near execution, kill a grandmother, run a train on a corpse, are held hostage by a rival, lose a member and take down the biggest dealer in the area whose plan it was all along to expose to hood to a zombie apocalypse.
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LOVE that you're combining horror and comedy. I can already envision some seriously funny scenes.
Thanks guys. Appreciate the input. I've also uploaded the screenplay and absolutely would love and appreciate any feedback you can provide, your time permitting of course. Thanks guys.