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In New Orleans, the successful assistant district attorney Jill Watson was responsible for the condemnation of the serial killer Alex Jones, influencing the jury to sentence him to a life sentence. Years later Alex is released from prison accuses Jill of manipulation, inducing one witness and sister of one of his victims to testify against him. Month later, Jill receives a text stating that each jury member would be put to death in the next 72 hours, while a killer is copycatting Lewis, killing women with the same "modus-operandi" and is investigated by New Orleans Task Force. With the support of associate Sarah Williams, FBI agent, his friend Scott Barnes, and his assistant Kim Jones, Jill investigates and in narrowing down possible suspects, Unknowing Jill comes in contact with the killer being disguise and being her next door neighbor, Jill develops a friendship with him over a period of time, she starts feeding him the info on what is going on in the case. By accident the killer makes a mistake by leaving his cell phone in his car, that evening Jill finds the cell phone and looked at it and there were the texts that was used in the co-cat killings. .