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By D A Stenard

GENRE: Comedy

After she loses everything, a Beverly Hills trophy wife starts over by creating a business in a women’s homeless shelter. But when her trickery lands a child in jail, she must find a way to save him or destroy her friends and her new life forever.


BLANCHE WHITMAN had it ALL. A fabulous Beverly Hills estate, with a luxurious garden that was the true love of her life. A worm of a rich husband she bullied into paying for everything. Unlimited credit cards to use at the best stores on Rodeo Drive. And a sure lock on finally winning the Best Garden of the Year from her exclusive BH garden club. All this get flushed down the crapper when her husband dumps Blanche to run away with his lawyer, after cleaning out his company’s accounts. When the Beverly Hills Brahmins toss her out of the contest due to her husband’s maleficence, the only thing that will take her mind off her troubles is a giant dose of retail therapy. She heads to Rodeo Drive to drown her sorrows with some maxed-out plastic.

In the midst of her shopping frenzy, a teensy-weensy bit of expensive baubles are swept into her shopping bags by mistake. When the store accuses her of shoplifting, Blanche goes ballistic, destroying not only the store, but her reputation as well. Arrested and hauled in front of a hard-ass judge, Blanche is sentenced to a big fine and a bigger numbers of community service hours, working at a women’s homeless shelter.

And the hits just keep on coming. Her car is towed to the impound and she doesn’t have the money to liberate it. Her estate is seized for non-payment of taxes. Her public defender, RAFE NOGALES tries to help her, but the best he can do is lend her bus fare and she has to ride the bus all the way to the shelter in order to do her community service. In the ‘hood.

Once there, she immediately irritates the director of the facility- LADONNA MILLER, her son NEIL, and LaDonna’s sister REENIE. In Fact, she pisses off everyone there with her selfishness, entitlement and all-over asshole-ishness. Blanche demands help from her so-called society friends and receives nothing, nada, bupkes. She ends up sleeping in a stall in the shelter ladies room.

Feeling sorry for her and against her own better judgment, LaDonna allows Blanche to stay with her in her home. While Blanche is living with them, LaDonna’s son Neil gets in trouble by hanging out with the wrong crowd. Stressed out and angry, LaDonna banishes Neil to work Blanche in the pitiful shelter vegetable garden.

Blanche teaches Neil do the only work she knows- how to make a garden florish. And it works, it thrives, it GROWS. It grows more food than the shelter can use. Blanche and the other women come up with a plan: they figure if the shelter can sell organic produce, with everyone using their skills to package, market and deliver the goods, they have a chance to develop a real business. It works, but soon the little garden can’t produce enough. They need more growing space.

Blanche and Neil sneak onto her abandoned estate and strip the garden of flowers to make way for vegetables. Soon the shelter is selling all that produce as well, but without the knowledge of LaDonna. While on Blanche’s property, Neil is caught by the police and arrested for trespassing. Believing Blanche was only using Neil to make money for herself, a furious LaDonna banishes Blanche from the shelter.

Desperate to get money to help LaDonna, Blanche and Reenie break into Blanche’s house, to try to steal things to pawn. But while there, she discovers her ex-husband and his mistress have run through their ill-gotten gains, and have snuck in to do the same thing! Blanche catches them in the act and turns them over to the authorities, winning herself a big fat reward. Instead of using it to pay her bills and regain her place in society, Blanche stays at the shelter and uses the money to help the only true friends she has ever know.

Angela Cristantello

There's some really fun potential here. So, does our protagonist go to work at this homeless shelter with the intent of engaging in some shady business? Either way, what is that business (shady or otherwise), and how could whatever she's doing land a kid in jail? And WHY does she need to save him (beyond it being a nice/humane thing to do)? We just need to make these things clearer.

Nathaniel Baker

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