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When Cassowaries – descendants of velociraptors - escape a zoo after a U.S. Presidential bodyguard tries to shoot one, the deadly birds go on a killer rampage that only one couple can stop. Even as an obsessed cop hunts them down and the President is sucked into a political murder scandal.
Washington, D.C. zoo is a spectacular place - where elephants roam, tigers prowl, and giraffes graze with glorious views all the way to the White House. Life is simple for Cassowaries here. Until a U.S. Presidential bodyguard responds to one running at the President during a VIP visit by firing at the bird - which escapes, leading others to rampage.
Mitch Ford, an experienced zoologist, knows the solution. Problem is: he’s leaving to start his own wildlife sanctuary in Texas.
Dr Tasha Ryan, the Zoo Director, convinces him to stay because of his unique connection.
D.C.’s Mayor has a dilemma: should he cancel the July 4th fireworks – because of the rampaging killer birds?
Terror empties the streets after a cassowary kills two people dancing on a party boat on the Potomac. Another terrifies a bus full of tourists.
As the cassowary hunt continues, Bryan Tweedon, an observant British television journalist wonders why the British Prime Minister remains silent despite someone on her staff dying right beside her during the zoo gunfire.
At the top of the soaring Washington Monument, a cassowary makes a Japanese tourist plummet to his death – and then kills his wife in an elevator.
Cassowaries wander city streets. Two are netted in a park opposite the White House – and might even have been in the Rose Garden.
Another kills a traveller on DuPont Circle train station’s long escalator. Before it is shot by a police sniper.
The last one, Cassowary Ed, turns murderous during a Wagnerian concert at the Kennedy Center, set off by clashing cymbals. Mayhem ensues. The entire audience flees, leaving dead orchestra members and audience wounded behind.
From there, Mitch tracks it down with a custom-designed ultrasound locator to a huge empty baseball stadium. Coaxing it into his buggy for the ride back to the zoo.
But his nemesis cop is tipped off, and a high-octane car chase ensues through D.C., assisted by a police helicopter spotlight as they stream through downtown.
But her offsider, blinded by anger and fear shoots the cassowary and the obsessed cop, crashing their car. Dying, she shows Mitch an old Polaroid which reveals the cause of her obsession; her baby brother was killed by a cassowary on a remote Australian beach.
Broadcast journalist Bryan Tweedon’s investigation – has been helped by the D.C. Chief Medical Examiner and a hint from the U.S. President – proves the British PM sanctioned the murder of one of her top diplomats. A spy about to sell nuclear submarine secrets.
She is forced to fly home to resign - even as Mitch and Tasha celebrate July 4 fireworks, with arms around each other.
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