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What happens to a Final Girl after a typical horror movie is over?
Ashley and her friends head to a cabin in the woods for a weekend getaway. You know how this story ends... or do you? Ashley’s friends, and her only brother Mike, are all possessed by a Demonic Artifact, and she’s forced to brutally dismember them in order to survive. Ashley is arrested by local police, and the two Detectives who question her who don’t believe a word of her story. A mysterious federal agent, Dr. Warren arrives to question Ashley, and to everyone’s surprise releases her. Ashley is forced to confront life back in the real world where she can’t tell anyone what happened to her, including her best friend Pete. The Detectives continue to surveil Ashley, hoping she’ll slip up so they can take her back to jail. Meanwhile, the evil she faced regains power, collecting souls through any means necessary. Ashley struggles to deal with returning to daily life, but Pete helps her bury her brother, and becomes the family she needs now more than ever. When the Demonic Artifact’s actions become apparent, Ashley is recruited by Dr. Warren to her super-secret organization The Vigil, made up entirely of women who have survived similar supernatural events. When the Demonic Artifact assaults the Detectives, they finally realize that Ashley has been telling the truth. They join Ashley, Pete, Dr. Warren, and The Vigil on a mission to Hell itself to stop the Demonic Artifact from consuming our world altogether.
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