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By Thoko Zulu

GENRE: Horror
LOGLINE: A humanitarian organization based in Africa introduces Halloween night to a secluded village renowned for its witchcraft practices and unleashes a power game which degenerates into a bloodbath
Nate Rymer

Rated this logline

Thoko Zulu

Thank you for the rating, Nate

Matthew Parvin

Rated this logline

Amazing Kacee

Rated this logline

Amazing Kacee

Scriptcraft has a great article on how to write a logline since the one above isn't one - best of luck

Thoko Zulu

@ Amazing Kacee...thank you. I am always open to learn. Will take your advice and THANK YOU.

Thoko Zulu

Thank you for the rating,, Matthew...will rework the logline to get a 5 star! LOL!

Austin S M Sikora

Rated this logline

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