Hoping to become a martial arts hero, a young kung fu cat teams up with other pet warriors, each possessing unique skills in martial arts, to battle evil forces despite pets not being considered "true" martial arts animals.
Great concept, Cee Whirx! I think your logline could be tightened up some. Something like: "Hoping to become a martial arts hero, a young Kung Fu cat teams up with other household pets possessing martial arts skills to fight bad guys in a world where domesticated animals aren't allowed to be martial artists."
I removed "aspiring" because you already put "Hoping to become a martial arts hero."
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Great concept, Cee Whirx! I think your logline could be tightened up some. Something like: "Hoping to become a martial arts hero, a young Kung Fu cat teams up with other household pets possessing martial arts skills to fight bad guys in a world where domesticated animals aren't allowed to be martial artists."
I removed "aspiring" because you already put "Hoping to become a martial arts hero."
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Hi Cee, how's Ryder and the deer Guardians going?
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Billy Kwack things are coming along slowly.
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Can't wait to see Cee
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