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An abuse surviving singer, rises above broken hearts, addiction and gangsters - to become a powerhouse in the music industry, but is still deeply troubled. She finally finds peace after a mysterious intervention … helps her to find the joy she had always longed for.
Desiree, an elegant, wealthy, yet sad, African American woman, has a session with her ninth ‘Shrink’, Dr. Perez, hoping to ease her blinding migraines and unhappiness. A gray-haired, music industry titan now, Desiree recounts her humble and troubled teen years, her abusive Step-dad and how she decided to leave home and trust in her musical talent – do or die attitude.
Teen Desiree arrives in New York City, knowing not a soul. Her vocal talent is noticed right away by Calvin, who gets her a demo and first gig. Love blossoms … then fades, as Calvin looks elsewhere for love. Now gaining prestige, she is signed by Josephine, who owns her own label and ‘don’t take no junk’. She moves the label to Los Angeles with her attorney, Michael, who has a crush on Desiree. Soon after they establish themselves, Desiree becomes more famous. She grows closer to Josephine, but drugs and shady characters - end up nearly costing, her very life.
Back in New York, She rehabs and heals herself, then falls in love with Ty, from an old school African culture. After a while, he becomes too controlling. She signs with B-Styles and his label, but he does her wrong and rips her off. Enraged, she is on way to ‘pump a few slugs’ in him – then Michael luckily shows up.
He tells her -- Josephine’s been shot! They fly back to Los Angeles to see her old mentor. On the flight, mutual love is apparent.
Desiree and Josephine mend fences as Michael, now a more powerful attorney, gets the money owed from B-Styles and makes other deals that makes Desiree wealthy enough to start her own label with millions to spare. They marry. After reaching the heights as a singer/songwriter and business woman, there is still - an emptiness.
Dr. Perez is luckily there as another blinding headache strikes. She uses her therapeutic hands to give Desiree relief and takes her deeper into her mind. The wealthy woman, knows she is aging and desperately wants to pass on her talents, knowledge, assets and good fortune to someone - so the empire she worked so hard to build, doesn’t just waste away. Dr. Perez tells her the answer that her soul requests, … but she has denied, all this time.
Later, a smiling Desiree glows in happiness as the three little Black girls she adopted - play in the park with her. The family, she never had in her life, gives her something, that money cannot buy. Desiree’s, face overcome with delight, watches proudly as they win awards for singing. Her heart finally full - tears of joy … flow freely.
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