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The devil made me do it? Satan claps-back against that - as a bad priest and a mass shooter are punished with humor, glee and vigor, so that Lucifer doesn’t ‘look soft’ to God and lose his job.
Comps : Beetlejuice, Hellboy, The Grinch Based on SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL - ROLLING STONES
Satan, a young, surfer-dude type, rides the flaming waves of the sea of fire as his three-headed Cerberus pet keeps him company. He sees the inhumanity of mortals through his Evil-Vision app and has self-doubt that he scares mankind enough. Hell’s population has exploded and he must ask God to provide more room. He is nervous about it. If it seems he cannot do his job, could he be replaced? A mass killer on earth summons him from a Satanic book. After combing through his wardrobe, he decides to go and takes Cerberus with him.
Using the blood of a priest, Payton, the mass killer, uses a pentagram to bring the devil forth. He makes a grand entrance. It scares Payton, but it is too late now. Although the priest tries to act good, Satan can see his past. Not a nice guy. The bad priest and mass killer try to blame Satan for their crimes against humanity. Satan argues that humans cannot appreciate or control free-will. The true nature of evil comes from the human imagination. God materializes and agrees with Satan. Seems Satan has the important task of removing and punishing defective souls, so that true followers of the path of love, do not have to deal with them in the afterlife. God brings the souls of the mass shooter’s victims to see their killer’s punishment. Satan puts on a show, complete with costume changes, celebrity impressions and crazy scenarios. Payton is tortured, thoroughly and with imaginative, but twisted, humor.
Reluctantly, Satan asks his boss for more room in Hell. His fears were unfounded as God complies and is even grateful to him for taking on this unpleasant task. As the church they are in, burns down, Satan and Cerberus take their newest souls back to Hell. Job security, unquestioned. His purpose, confirmed.
Page Turner Competition 2023 - Quarterfinalist
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