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By Edward Leech

GENRE: Action, Adventure, Family, Sci-fi

In a synchronized dream world where death is real, an overconfident college junior struggles to save his family from a dream hacker who uses their worst fears to pick them off one by one.


A college junior (20's) screws up and loses his college scholarship. He books the latest rave - a “virtual reality” adventure - to buy some time to figure out how to break the news to his parents. In a four-star resort, synchronized dreams are used to create the virtual landscape. Visiting an ancient Mayan ruin in a tropical paradise and hang gliding over the rainforest are the main events. His girlfriend (20's) and his younger sister (16) join the dreamscape adventure.Through subterfuge, a former academic rival with a score to settle from a past conflict (20's) gains access to the programming, ignores all safety protocols, and turns their tropical paradise into a treacherous, jungle nightmare. Everyone is separated using different dreamscape apps. Alone, they encounter ever increasing dangers in a struggle to stay alive while facing their worst fears. The genius finds a way to escape the dream only to face his former rival now trained in karate. As fists fly, the genius is knocked unconscious. Upon awakening, the genius catches his rival off-guard, smashes a lamp across his temple, and drags him from the programming room.While he attempts to shut down the dreamscapes, the genius is accosted by a security guard who forces him to the floor, holds him at gunpoint, and calls for back-up from the police. The guard is convinced of the programmer's evil intentions when he views dream images of the sister hanging by her fingernails on a dangerous, mountain cliff. Not exactly a “dream vacay!”While the guard searches outside for the programmer, the genius closes the last app; his family and girlfriend remain asleep. When the guard is attacked by the programmer, the genius comes to the guard's rescue. He, too, is about to be overcome until his sister approaches from behind to forcefully apply a soccer kick to the programmer's groin. As the programmer wails in pain on the ground, the police arrive to arrest him.While recovering from wounds and injuries incurred during their horrendous virtual adventure, the resort provides them a real cruise to a tropical island, all expenses paid.


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