Hi everyone, I just discovered this site. I'm an aspiring screenwriter and an open sponge. Any advice on the giant world of screenwriting would be most appreciated. Specifically curious what reading material, contests, etc you'd recommend. Thanks
Hi everyone, I just discovered this site. I'm an aspiring screenwriter and an open sponge. Any advice on the giant world of screenwriting would be most appreciated. Specifically curious what reading material, contests, etc you'd recommend. Thanks
So, I just finished my 20th screenplay yesterday, been working on it for last two years. Guess what it's about? A pandemic. It has other themes and qualities that make it more interesting and unique, but it does deal with a virus spreading throughout the world. Just wondering - as a spectator-is it...
Expand postSo, I just finished my 20th screenplay yesterday, been working on it for last two years. Guess what it's about? A pandemic. It has other themes and qualities that make it more interesting and unique, but it does deal with a virus spreading throughout the world. Just wondering - as a spectator-is it too soon? Too much after all the news? Whatcha think?
Are there other themes in your story that relate to current times? People seem to be looking for solutions now and a way to calm fear, perhaps if there's a really unique entertaining element in your s...
Expand commentAre there other themes in your story that relate to current times? People seem to be looking for solutions now and a way to calm fear, perhaps if there's a really unique entertaining element in your story that hasn't been done before that might be an interesting take on a popular idea. I say strike while the iron is hot, what's the worst that can happen?
I am dark. The light at the end of my tunnels is a fuse.
Well, some films and documentaries on the subject are currently trending on Netflix, somewhat, I guess? However, I think as things get even worse in the real world using and twisting current events fo...
Expand commentWell, some films and documentaries on the subject are currently trending on Netflix, somewhat, I guess? However, I think as things get even worse in the real world using and twisting current events for some sort of entertainment effort seems... icky. Sorry, I’m in an area where there have been many deaths. For me, as an audience member, I’d say “too soon.” People need facts right now. Hope. Anyway, I’m bracing myself for the next slew of virus zombie and/or dystopian, apocalyptic films and series. Good thing it’s easy to avoid, change the channel or click elsewhere. To each their own. ;)
I would agree with Beth on this one. If you're gut is telling you "too soon" than it's probably right.
Cooped up by a pandemic of his days, Shakespeare jotted down a vomit draft of his "King Lear" ,,, What about you, guys? Will this pandemic result in a skinny draft of your own?
I'm having trouble with a character description. Now she's a minor character only seen once so how much of a description is needed? This is directly lifted from my screenplay and notes from an editor, Thanks in advance!
Tina hangs up -- TINA’S MOM (40) barges in, looking frantic. Tina screams, scared...
Expand postI'm having trouble with a character description. Now she's a minor character only seen once so how much of a description is needed? This is directly lifted from my screenplay and notes from an editor, Thanks in advance!
Tina hangs up -- TINA’S MOM (40) barges in, looking frantic. Tina screams, scared by her mom. Her mom wears a night-robe. SUGGESTION: Put a character description for her.
Is it necessary to add more info?
I agree with Beth with the mom having/needing more involvement in the screenplay and the daughter's life. If she's only 40, then I'm assuming Tina is a teenager so yeah, the mom would have more involvement.
...or nothing at all.
Let's hold off on the nudity until my next project Shower Party Massacre. The girls will be dirty but the kills will be clean.
Great... more sexism and violence against women.
So much for your "final two cents." I'm curious what kind of movies you watch. You specifically said "against women". Would you be okay if I had all male shower scenes? Do I promote the kind of negati...
Expand commentSo much for your "final two cents." I'm curious what kind of movies you watch. You specifically said "against women". Would you be okay if I had all male shower scenes? Do I promote the kind of negative sexism? No, I don't believe in discrimination nor prejudice against anyone. I'm very left and progressive in my political views but can still watch violence in a movie against men AND women. Can you?
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If you’re writing,
There’s specific software to use.
Do you’re due diligence researching best one for you to use. I bought some books on
Film music.
Hope to hear from you/ connect.
Kerry Kennard
Welcome to the wonderful world of Screenwriting Tiffani! For starters, if you haven't already, I would recommend on getting a few books about the craft, to help you know what you are getting into. A g...
Expand commentWelcome to the wonderful world of Screenwriting Tiffani! For starters, if you haven't already, I would recommend on getting a few books about the craft, to help you know what you are getting into. A great book for beginners, if it is still available, is Skip Press' "Idiot's Guide to Screenwriting." Skip is a good friend and he knows this business in and out. Secondly, I would invest in a decent screenwriting program. As an aspiring screenwriter you are pretty much free to use whatever floats your boat, as long as you correctly format your script, but most of Hollywood uses Final Draft (I use it). At the end of the day, as long as the format is correct nobody is going to refuse to look at a script based upon the software used. However, having said that, I've always followed the view that if you want to be professional, use the tools professionals use. Also, if you have any questions feel free to ask. No question is too silly.
Read anything everything in the genre(s) you write. Download scripts here - https://www.simplyscripts.com/
Hi, Tiffani! In terms of advice, I've been writing blogs on Stage 32 for a little more than half a year. I've got a complete list on my profile, at http://stage32.com/tennyson... and this one is readi...
Expand commentHi, Tiffani! In terms of advice, I've been writing blogs on Stage 32 for a little more than half a year. I've got a complete list on my profile, at http://stage32.com/tennyson... and this one is reading I would recommend to any new screenwriter: https://www.stage32.com/blog/Why-I-Passed-On-That-Screenplay