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By Lauren McCann

GENRE: Drama

A hard-up-single-mother and former boxer, is lured by the Irish mob into an underground boxing match where questions of right and wrong are challenged when the love of family is concerned.


Girl Boxer is a dark, quick paced, heartfelt action drama from a female perspective. It is an exploration of the underworld and the decisions one must make for the betterment of family. Laura, a former lightweight champion boxer, is making the best life she can for her daughter now that her husband, Matty, has found himself, in prison yet again.

When Matty gets in with the wrong crowd and money is quickly needed, Laura relies on what she knows best and she is lured by the Irish mob to participate in a Russian operated underground boxing match.

The fight for family is regularly explored as moral dilemmas and life changing decisions are continuously presented to all involved: the established Russian family who operates the monthly boxing matches gaining capital and power; the Irish family, in hiding and new to North America, looking to plant roots and build a strong foundation; and Laura, navigating her way in this dark world, fighting for her daughter, her husband and her life. Girl Boxer holds nothing back during this inquiry into what is right and wrong when the love of family is concerned.

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