Jeff Thieme's Lounge Discussions

Jeff Thieme
Crowdfunding a Creepy New Horror Short Film About Everyone's Favorite Nightmare Fuel -- CLOWNS

I'm producing a fun and creepy new indie horror short called Night of the Clowns. If you're an indie film fan, horror fan, clown fan, or if you are deathly afraid of clowns but love to torture yourself, you should check it out. It's right here: If you can share the link wi...

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Benjamin Wiessner
A Different Kind of Movement

We've got a new short, A Different Kind of Movement, that we just put up on Vimeo. I've been doing mostly animation lately, so I was wondering good places to promote live action short films. Check it out and let me know!

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Sandra Weston

I'd try Without A Box for festivals. But promotion to social media is something I'm also interested in. I have a new demo reel and I need ways to get it viewed by casting directors.

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Justin Kincaid

Hey Sandra, check out FilmFreeway rather than Without A Box. Also, contact me directly via email so we can discuss social media reach!

Sandra Weston

Thanks Justin, what's your email? use for me.

Jeff Thieme

I second Film Freeway. It's a great WAB alternative.

Marci Urling
Gorilla Software/Celtx

What are your thoughts on using Celtx Standard Plan or Gorilla for basic production needs?

Chris Hackett

Gorilla is great. But something I'd only use if I were doing bigger movies. Combo of celtx, Gmail calendar and shotlister pro should get any small production clear into post.

Marci Urling

Chris, thanks a bunch. I have Celtx and I'm going into pre-pro with a couple of low budget projects. When you say bigger movies, what price range are you talking about?

Jeff Thieme

I tried out Celtx for its budgeting features. It's a bit glitchy and I received zero response when I contacted tech support. Jungle has a few good options. Chimpanzee is good for smaller projects. Gor...

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Chris Hackett

I'd say 100k or higher is well above where you would need something robust as gorilla. I've seen 50k budgets stay pretty lean with having a celtx and some other freeish software hybrid setup.

Jeff Thieme
Diary of a Henchman: A New Comedy Series

We've just recently released the first two episodes of our independently-produced comedy series "Diary of a Henchman." We'd love to share it with the Stage 32 community. What's it all about? Diary of a Henchman is a quirky and irreverent comedy series that follows the exploits of Duke -- a guy who's...

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Charles G. Masi

To quote: "whiskey tango foxtrot!" I want to know what happens next!

Rich Lane

Hi everyone. My name is Rich and I am looking for some general feedback on my second feature length script. I am giving away a limited number of copies at use the CODE: Suppress. I would love to hear what you think. Thank you....

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Suppressor (Screenplay)
Suppressor (Screenplay)
The Suppressor, armed only with home made gadgets, a pieced together suit, and abilities discovered by unlocking his subconscious, fights to save a struggling city.When the long arm of the law can rea…
Beth Fox Heisinger

Phillip, this has nothing to do with rendering or not rendering opinions; allowing or not allowing personal expression. Moderating -- it's about keeping the conversation going. And, this one veered way off topic. :)

Beth Fox Heisinger

Lisa, I stepped in to steer it away.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Dear Beth: You're absolutely correct. And if you scroll to the top, you'll see that I originally supported the constructive feedback and offered some of my own. I do apologize if I played a part in co...

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Anton West

Beth, I am glad you stepped in here. Maybe sometimes we need to be reminded that squabbling makes us all look bad. You do know she started it though, right? :D

Beth Fox Heisinger

HaHa! That's great, Anton! Here, I'll go all "mother" on everyone; "She may have started it, but I'm finishing it!" ...Oh dear, now I'm going off on a tangent. But, in all seriousness, all comments ca...

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