Monem Yousef's Lounge Discussions

Steve Dabal

Wow. Okay, I really really underestimated how Stage 32 is filled with a vast amount of filmmakers from all over the world. Never been connected to people who love creating movies as much as I do in such a quick period of time!

Monem Yousef

this community here was one of my dreams ... very nice to meet this amount of filmmakers/ film industry people ...

Richard "RB" Botto

Thrilled the site is working for all of you. Thanks for posting, Steve. I invite you to share any of your experiences over in the Success Stories section of the Lounge as well. Thanks again!

Craig Richards

I also feel the population of members engaged in a great variety of filmmaking disciplines and the great many new members from non-US locations are very encouraging trends here on Stage 32. If continu...

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Steve Dabal

It's seriously so impressive. The amount of people that are connected and so willing to ask questions/share. I love it! Can't wait for my first stage 32 collaboration

Tess Tyler

It truly is fantastic to get connected to so many creative people all in one space. Digital Media Solution - a completely online collaboration is a fantastic idea. If you ever need a composer/arranger...

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