GENRE: Sci-fi, Drama
In a future governed by a draconian system that indentures youth to take care of the ageing super rich, a demure but desperate rule-follower warily joins her friends in the struggle for freedom.
Hi there! This is an awesome concept. My only recommendation for the logline would be to take out the name of the show and format. When pitching, you would typically have that information in a separate line. Great work!
E, I agree with Molly & love love love this concept so much. I do think that the "bleak and very possible future" sounds a touch clunky (especially in comparison to the rest of the logline). Beyond that, though, great job & I would truly watch this in a heartbeat ...and would be terrified.
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Hi there! This is an awesome concept. My only recommendation for the logline would be to take out the name of the show and format. When pitching, you would typically have that information in a separate line. Great work!
1 person likes this
E, I agree with Molly & love love love this concept so much. I do think that the "bleak and very possible future" sounds a touch clunky (especially in comparison to the rest of the logline). Beyond that, though, great job & I would truly watch this in a heartbeat ...and would be terrified.
Thanks! Let's hope you get to watch it!!! :)
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