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Stephan Silvestre sits shackled to a bergère chair by heavy duty tape – ablaze – the flames crawl across him and the chair. 3 men watch the fire devour the chair and engulf Stephan before callously leaving. The fire lips towards his bound wrists - eventually melting the tape enough for him to crawl across the floor. Later that evening, emergency services arrive: flames and smoke continue to curl from inside the house as firefighters struggle to tackle the blaze. With the fire dealt with, the smoke glides past and parts the way to reveal a burnt and blistered right arm protruding out of the partially destroyed wall, its finger tips partly melted revealing the bone beneath. Firefighters Jack & Pete cut the body free from the wall. With the burnt corpse away from the wall, Jack is convinced he’s looking at his own dead body. He pulls the wedding ring off the corpse before his firefighter-friend, Pete, pulls him away. Jack explains his erratic actions: that his wedding ring is engraved with his and his wife’s initials with the date of their wedding inside. Taking his ring off, he lets Pete examine both: they’re identical! The following morning, a Forensic Consultant explains to Chief Inspector Wheeler that the burnt corpse will have to be identified by dental records and the only item(s) found on the body were two identical Polaroid photographs (one more damaged than the other). Meanwhile, Jack is hellbent on finding out what he can before the authorities discover he’s not dead. He persuades Pete to join him in returning to the burnt house under cover of darkness where they find an old mobile phone which Jack hopes will help. But so too have two of the men, Palmer and Raynor, that caused the fire (having been instructed to retrieve the old mobile phone). Jack and Pete escape to their car having failed to hide successfully. Raynor and Palmer are in hot pursuit at breakneck speeds swerving between lanes and driving in and out of other vehicles; overtaking and undertaking. Eventually, Raynor and Palmer crash their car in a field and having survived the crash, Raynor kills Palmer out of frustration. Pete hides his bullet-peppered car in Jack’s garage and they attempt to explain to Emily, Jack’s wife, what’s happened. Emily realises that the fire they described to her is the incident being described on the local news: May Summers, a relative of the missing Silvestre, is being interviewed... Pete recognises the distinct location. Meanwhile, Raynor has discovered the true importance of the old phone. Jack and Emily visit May Summer’s house and have a tense conversation with her; she shares with them a card and a pendant that he sent to her this very week. That night, against Emily’s wishes, Jack sneaks out back to the burnt house with the card and pendant from May. Certain inscriptions inside the card surface: ‘Dear Aunty May, I hope this letter greets you well. Please find enclosed an adoornment that I’d like you to keep close to your sole. Love Stephan.’ He finds a small pendant-sized key hole in the floorboards which leads to a secret basement... and a large quantum machine. His mobile phone rings - it’s Raynor using Emily’s phone - he’s tracked them down. Raynor has gagged and bound Emily. Pete lays unconscious and battered on the floor of their home. Raynor wants the mobile phone in return for Emily and arranges a swap. Raynor takes a Polaroid photo of the bound and gagged Emily leaving it with an immobilised Pete who has had his feet burnt with boiling water. Jack takes Pete to the hospital and has finally rung Chief Inspector Wheeler who agrees to help having just received alarming confirmation that the dead body is Jack’s. Jack shares the Polaroid of Emily; Wheeler recognises it - it’s identical to the two damaged Polaroids found on the burnt corpse. The agreed exchange goes ahead but Raynor attempts to kill them both. Jack ignores Wheeler’s instructions and a chase ensues. Raynor eventually draws alongside Jack and Emily’s car and pulls his gun on them - firing once. Jack lurches forward and ducks his head down, but Emily is killed. Jack drives recklessly to Stephan Silvestre’s house and heads to the basement. He looks over the dials again turning them until it reaches a date from a couple of days ago. He is about to step into it when he glances at the other dials: the four displays/dials that appear to display coordinates. Uncertainty and confusion fill his mind. If he turns the dials – changing the coordinate reading: does that lead him to transport himself back into the past and into the wall? Or by leaving the dials – leaving the coordinate readings as they are: does that lead him to transport himself back into the past and into the wall? He presses his finger into the ‘on’ switch. The machine hums. The humming becomes louder. The outside chamber closes and begins to spin. The spinning quickens and rapidly reaches the speed of light. The humming is strident. Motion blurs the room and the area warps. Jack is in the wall. He screams. Shouts. Cries... and begins clawing at the wall from inside. Screaming too, Stephan Silvestre forcefully pulls his blistered arms free from the bergère chair and crawls across the floor – burning, blistering, screaming! He pulls his pendant out from around his neck and unlocks the floor-door leading to his basement. Jack continues screaming and whaling. The three men casually pull away from the house as shattered windows allow flames to brim out.
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