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During a zombie outbreak in Compton, California, a teenager who does whatever his gang tells him, his homies, and a cop fight for survival.
Horror short script for sale
Sub-genres: Contained Horror/Survival Horror/Zombie
Budget: Micro
At a corner store in Compton, a teenager who does whatever his gang tells him, DeAndre “Dee” Greene, attacks a rival gangster after Lil Red, DeAndre’s homeboy, tells him to. The rival’s homie shoots DeAndre.
Months later, DeAndre and Lil Red meet up at DeAndre’s house. Their leader, Big B, shows up and says he needs DeAndre to do something for him (put in some work). DeAndre agrees.
A fellow gang member turned zombie attacks DeAndre. A weak, sickly cop named Brian Williams shoots the zombie, saving DeAndre.
More zombies, including a kid gang member, show up and attack everyone.
DeAndre and everyone get inside the house. The kid zombie tries to get in through a window that’s open. Big B tells Lil Red to push the zombie out and shut the window. Lil Red tries and gets bit.
A civilian zombie crawls through the window. Big B tries to make DeAndre kill the zombie with a knife, but Brian tells DeAndre, “Be your own man. Don’t end up like Lil Red.” DeAndre tells Big B no. As Big B starts to stab DeAndre, the zombie bites Big B.
After Brian reveals he was bit, DeAndre flees the house alone in search of his mom.
Potential: Feature script and/or series (TV, web, or limited)
Thanks for hearing my pitch. Message me on Stage 32 or email me with any questions.
Poster: Photo of red bandana copyright Can Stock Photo / Malchev ( Poster made with
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Thanks for rating, Tasha Lewis. What changes do you think the logline needs?
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Thanks for rating, Nathaniel!
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1 person likes this
Interesting cast of characters.
Thanks for the rating and comment, Robert Sacchi. I based the characters on real people. Not people I know but people in gangs, the moms of gang members, and cops.
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Thanks, J.B. Storey!
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Thanks for the rating, Nate Rymer!
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That poster scared the shit out of me!
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I was going for scary, J.B. Storey, but I wasn't expecting that response. Haha
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Thank you, Chris Crane!
Thanks, Gianis Athanasiou Totonidis.
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Thank you, Bobby G.
1 person likes this
Screenplay is nice, clean and crisp.
Thanks, Charles V Abela! I really appreciate you reading my script and giving feedback!
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Thanks for rating my logline, Michael Dzurak!
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Thank you for rating, @Akindele!