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There are some things that are priceless, in other to keep it we can lose everything all and when life knocks us down, we pick the pieces and move on with life. The screenplay ENCHANTED LOVERS presents Three different female college girls, chasing after only one young,soft spoken and ambitious guy. WILLIAM ROBERTS fall in love with SOPHIA JACKSON, a grade 10 college student and while blissing in love, CHARLOTTE CHARTRAND and JANE CLARK are grade 12 students respectively and a good friend that shower WILLIAM ROBERTS with a lustful affection that supercedes WILLIAM love for SOPHIA, Cuz CHARLOTTE CHARTRAND has already bewitch WILLIAM with her grandmother spell, this cause havoc on SOPHIA JACKSON relationship with WILLIAM. CHARLOTTE CHARTRAND and JANE CLARK are evil and possessed, they can go extra miles to achieve their objectives, both of them romantically sex the hell out of WILLIAM and he couldn't break out of the spell, until it boomerang and this leads to tragedy, pain,death, anguish,heartbreaks, imprisonment,lost of wombs and nebulous hope for them all... BASE ON TRUE LIFE STORY.
I just finished writing the season 2 of this screen play and in need of a producer that can shoot at no budget film... Your review is highly appreciated..
Best Regards
William Furst
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Hey, William, thanks for posting this! Loglines are tough because we need to tell the most potent and vital information from our piece in the most concise, engaging and crystal clear fashion possible. I like to follow the Aaron Sorkin formula of protagonist (the adjective/noun that defines who they are) + inciting incident + obstacle (THE thing that's standing in their way) + stakes (their "or else").
For example, William's name isn't as important as the traits that define who he is. Is he a wide-eyed frat pledge? A power-hungry RA? Also: what is the inciting incident that kicks the story off? And presuming that Sophia's powers are somehow a part of the obstacle, why/how so? What exactly is the obstacle, and what's at stake because of it? Just some good food for thought, but a fun start!
Thank you Angela, it's a good idea and I'll do the clarification....
William is the college problem solver(Traits)
and he fell deeply in love with SOPHIA,
and out of jealousy (inciting incident) the college female student shower him with lust affection that he decline(obstacle),
then he is bewitch and all female student want to taste him all the time that leads to
Sophia heartbreaks (stake),
Charlotte womb lost,
Jane death,
and William imprisonment.
Rated this logline
Thanks Nathaniel baker