Hi all Andri here and I am the Producer for my student film (2 day shoot December 2nd & 3rd) and I am looking for volunteers in all positions. Hope you are down to help a film student. 2 Male Actors 2 Female actors DP Cinematographer Director Line Producer Editor Crew... Everyone will be fed :-).
@Rodrigo YES I do need a sound designer / composer and editor. @Laca Burbank, California
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@April yes ma'am that is unfortunate. Thank you very much.
Hi there, I'm an actress and would love to take a look at the script if you're still casting,inbox me the details if so and we'll talk more!
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Hi Andri. I'm an enthusiastic music composer. Feel free to contact me if my music likes you: http://www.gonzalogarciasantos.com/en/ Best
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You can find cast and crew by posting on Mandy.com and criagslist.com, free ads in BackStage West. I live in LA and have film and video crew experience, contact me at zcrichardson@yahoo.com.