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By Oleh Holyzov

GENRE: Mystery, Horror

With the arrival of an abnormally strong thunderstorm, an old apartment building becomes the venue for a chain of mysterious murders somehow connected to a secret government experiment for restoring eyesight. Digging up the truth, the FBI officials and local inhabitants begin to realize that someone influential is trying to conceal the killer's identity at all costs, and they are all now targeted.

Nathaniel Baker

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Thomas Dworschak

Loglines clearly aren't my strong point - a warning in advance. I like the first sentece. It's mysterious and sets up a horror setting in a great way. I don't know if it is too detailed, though. Maybe, it would be a good idea to also include some information about the protagonists of the story? As in: Who of the FBI and the residents are we following? What are they like? But those are just points I picked up, I believe belong into loglines. Just by reading it, I want to know more - definitely.

Oleh Holyzov

Hi Thomas the thing is that I always have too many characters and I can't isolate the main ones in such a short format just for that reason. I'll add a description later, it'll be much clearer, thanks!

Thomas Dworschak

That makes sense. For feature films it could be difficult to handle many characters, but for a series it could work. True Detective and Fargo have lots of changing viewpoints. Or is it for a different medium anyways? Then all those things don't apply, of course. Books and novels have different rules and more time.

Oleh Holyzov

This was actually written in series format, so it should work.

Tasha Lewis

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Nate Rymer

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Christopher Alan Broadstone

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Christopher Alan Broadstone

Nice! You'd like my "R" script. Though not evil-government driven. Love the poster graphic!

Johnny Brocco

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