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By Stephen Campbell

GENRE: Horror, Comedy

Desperate to save his failing relationship, an unemployed Gen-Z slacker leaps at a job with the mysterious Sunshine Institute only to end up battling an ancient evil for his mortal soul.


Evan’s long-suffering girlfriend Kimberly presents him with an ultimatum:

“If you don’t get a job, I’m going to dump you.”

Desperate to save his relationship, Evan sets out in search of gainful employment and ends up at the mysterious Sunshine Institute where he is hired on the spot…no questions asked.

Teamed with two Institute veterans, Solo and Callaghan, Evan soon finds himself standing at the scene of a brutal murder. Frightened and confused, he tries to quit and flee but instead he is attacked by a demonic child and killed.

Evan is welcomed at Heaven’s Gate by God.

Over tequila shots, God explains that Evan is collateral damage in a battle between Heaven and Hell that has been raging since before the dawn of time.

After God had created the Universe, the Devil appeared and told him He’d dropped the ball making the Human Race, insisting they would ultimately fuck everything up.

God, being particularly fond of His Humans, made a bet with the Devil. He bet that no matter how much the Devil tempted them, mankind would ultimately choose good over evil.

“That was a shit bet,” announces Evan contemplating his 3rd tequila.

“Well man, I doubled down on that shit bet,” replies God, “By creating Free Will.”

It stops God from interfering in any Human decision-making, effectively placing the fate of His creation in Humanity’s own hands.

Evan gives God a questioning look.

“I’m not completely stupid,” God protests. ”I created The Sunshine Institute to ensure the Devil didn’t cheat.”

Tequila kicking in, God explains that Evan still has a chance to save his soul if he can track down the demon that attacked him and kill it before dawn, he’ll break the creature’s spell and be restored to the living realm.

Evan reunites with Solo and Callaghan and together they set out to hunt down the demon. However the demon is several steps ahead, having kidnapped Kimberly to be used as jail bait.

Evan attempts to rescue to Kimberly only to discover she has been turned by the demon. Kimberly uses her sexual prowess to seduce Evan to the dark side.

All seems lost until Solo and Callaghan arrive and snap Evan out of the dark enchantment.

With the first hint of the sunlight appearing on the skyline, Evan does battle with the demon and manages to defeat it, saving his soul. However, Kimberly is far too gone to save and he is forced to kill her.

Devastated, Evan joins The Sunshine Institute and swears to avenge Kimberly’s death.

Callaghan concludes his encounter with the demon is an omen, a sign that the forces of darkness are massing for the final Great Battle.

“We’re all pretty fucked,” proclaims Callaghan, as he drinks from his trusty silver hip flask. “The end of days is upon us.”


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