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By Livvy Martus

GENRE: Thriller

A teen reeling from her sister’s death wants to uncover the truth behind her town’s secrets and her sister’s untimely death--and whether or not the two relate to one another.


Carrolltown follows Abby who is reeling from her sister’s death and wants to uncover the truth behind her town’s secrets and her sister’s untimely death--and whether or not the two relate to one another. She will be dealing internally with not doing more to save her sister and the conniving mayor of Carrollton, Rod Robington who will do anything to maintain his image. In this Stepford Wives-influenced series, one thing remains: what is the price for uncovering the truth, and are we better off not knowing anything at all?

Nate Rymer

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Tasha Lewis

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William Gunn

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William Gunn

Interesting premise!

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