An adult animated Spy-fi action animated series about a team of superhuman spies who must stop a nefarious organization from taking control of human evolution while trying not to lose their own humanity.
cool graphic. Let's tighten up this logline to do this idea serious justice! A ____________ (mismatched? gifted? unholy? terrifying?) gang of super-powered spies fight a _________________ (demonic? international? deep-state? alien?) secret organization bent on controlling human evolution, but will the cost of success betray their own essence? ........okay that ending sucks but you get the idea. More specific detail for your unique story through just two well-placed adjectives.
Hi Christian, will this formulae work? ........(When a TYPE OF PERSON has/does/wants/gets A) + (he gets/does/tries/learns B) + (only to discover that C now happens) + (and he must respond by doing D). I think part D is missing.
I agree with what Sara posited about tightening up the log-line to do the concept justice! This logline on my computer still begins with "An adulted animated Spy-fi action animated series..." That is SEVEN words distracting me away from the story concept! I'm not accustomed to seeing the format and genre of a story in the log-line.
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cool graphic. Let's tighten up this logline to do this idea serious justice! A ____________ (mismatched? gifted? unholy? terrifying?) gang of super-powered spies fight a _________________ (demonic? international? deep-state? alien?) secret organization bent on controlling human evolution, but will the cost of success betray their own essence? ........okay that ending sucks but you get the idea. More specific detail for your unique story through just two well-placed adjectives.
Thank you very much for the advice, Sarah!
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Thanks to Sarah Gabrielle Baron advice, I updated the logline. I think it works better that way.
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Hi Christian, will this formulae work? ........(When a TYPE OF PERSON has/does/wants/gets A) + (he gets/does/tries/learns B) + (only to discover that C now happens) + (and he must respond by doing D). I think part D is missing.
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I agree with what Sara posited about tightening up the log-line to do the concept justice! This logline on my computer still begins with "An adulted animated Spy-fi action animated series..." That is SEVEN words distracting me away from the story concept! I'm not accustomed to seeing the format and genre of a story in the log-line.
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