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A traumatized but resilient group of residents who suffered through a terrifying ordeal in their small-town diner gather on the event's first anniversary for support, remembrance and to acknowledge how the devastating incident has changed them.
For the residents of Bees-Hive, evil has come and gone and left its mark. We begin on the one-year anniversary of a terrifying ordeal. On that day, a former soldier (MARK TURMELLE) storms into the town’s beating heart, Marnie’s Diner.
It’s the place where (for 66 years) Bees-Hive’s residents have gathered to share their lives, their humble victories, their heartbreaking defeats, the tiny day-to-day minutiae of living life.
The broken and heavily-armed Turmelle takes 9 people hostage in the diner and for the next hour, no one knows if they will survive.
The SHOW BIBLE will describe: show STRUCTURE, TONE and STYLE, the CHARACTERS, a synopsis of each EPISODE and the FRANCHISE POTENTIAL.
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haha. jk... actually, any advice on the logline?
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The idea is too thin for a TV series,, limited space and number of participants, not clear why the protagonist is doing it.
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the last 18 words would answer the question "why"
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