"A bright, beaming cherub of a fledgling musical!" THE LOS ANGELES TIMES "In these tight economic times, The Green Room's small cast and simple set requirements make it a perfect choice for regional and community theaters." STAGESCENE LA • 1 unit set (no special needs) • 4 (2M, 2F) college age characters (18-24) • Modern day, casual costumes production tracks available! for production rights contact: ...
"Foster's camp comedy scores some bitchy zingers. Nifty, colorful comedy filled with intrinsic wit and charm!"--BACKSTAGE Joan Crawford, Bette Davis and Judy Garland fight over the same role (and the same boy) in Legends and Bridge. (with a guest appearance by Tennessee Williams) For scripts contact Black Box Theatre Publishing Company info@blackboxtheatrepublishing.com
Imagine what happens when Joan Crawford invites Judy Garland and Bette Davis to live with her to work on a film project…A comedy by C. Stephen Foster
Bios: C. Stephen Foster (Wally) is a comedic actor/writer currently living in Hollywood. He has written award-winning plays âThe Green Roomâ and âLegends and...
Actor & author C. Stephen Foster shares his advice on preparing for your audition . Foster's book "Awakening The Actor Within" is a 12-week workbook aimed at...
Actor & author C. Stephen Foster shares his tips with CEN on the Importance of an Actor's Notebook. Foster's book "Awakening The Actor Within" is a 12-week w...
Dick (an actor/writer) takes a job as a receptionist at a multi-level marketing company to pay the bills. he tells his troubles to his life coach, Polly Dunkin. Written by Jeff Copeland, Stephen Foster and Chuck Pelletier. Directed by Charlotte Gulezian.
C. Stephen Foster plays the kitten guy in this Hardee's commercial
"Little is the new BIG!" C. Stephen Foster is 5 feet of sheer comedy! Actor in Film, TV, and webisodes.